Human Rights and Equity Programs

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8AM-4:30PM. To file a complaint, call (703) 324-2953 to be scheduled for an intake appointment via telephone or videoconference.
703-324-2953 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 318
Fairfax, VA 22035
Michael L. Simms

November 4, 2020 Commission Meeting (Recording)

Commission Meeting
11/04/2020 7:30 pm

Recording of Meeting:



Commissioner Crawford (Home, Fairfax, VA)

Commissioner Alber (Home, Centreville, VA)

Commissioner Malik (Home, Fairfax, VA)

Commissioner Salinas (Home, Fairfax, VA)

Commissioner Bell-Krasner (Home, Fairfax, VA)

Commissioner Shipman (Home, Fairfax, VA)

Commissioner Solon (North Carolina)

Commissioner Hudson (Home, Fairfax, VA)

Commissioner Conde (Home, Alexandria, VA)

Director Kenneth Saunders (Home, Washington, D.C.)



Commissioner Bhinge



Commission Chair Gloria Crawford called the Wednesday, November 4, 2020 Commission meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.


Approval of AgendaIt was moved by Commissioner Malik and seconded by Commissioner Solon that the November 4, 2020 Agenda be approved as amended.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.


Approval of Minutes:  It was moved by Commissioner Solon and seconded by Commissioner Shipman that the October 21, 2020 Minutes be approved as presented.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.


STAFF ISSUES:  Director Saunders reported on the final number of case closures for FY 2020.



HRC# 2019072H – CONCILLIATION AGREEMENT.  It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Solon that the conciliation agreement in this matter be accepted as presented.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.

HRC# 2017026E – APPEAL.  It was moved by Commissioner Solon and seconded by Commissioner Alber that the staff finding regarding the denial of a Reasonable Accommodation be overturned and that a violation of the Human Rights Ordinance has occurred with this issue.  The motion passed by majority vote with Commissioner Crawford voting against the motion and Commissioner Bell-Krasner refraining from voting.

It was moved by Commissioner Solon and seconded by Commissioner Alber that the staff finding regarding Retaliation be overturned and that a violation of the Human Rights Ordinance has occurred with this issue.  The motion failed with Commissioners Alber and Solon voting in favor of the motion, Commissioners Crawford, Hudson, and Shipman voting against the motion, Commissioners Conde, Malik, and Salinas, abstaining, and Commissioner Bell-Krasner refraining from voting. 

It was moved by Commissioner Crawford and seconded by Commissioner Salinas that the staff finding regarding Retaliation be upheld and this issue be dismissed due to no cause finding.  The motion passed by majority vote with Commissioners Crawford, Hudson, Malik, Salinas, and Shipman voting in favor of the motion, Commissioners Alber and Solon voting against the motion, Commissioner Conde abstaining, and Commissioner Bell-Krasner refraining from voting. 


COMMUNITY CONCERNSThere were no community concerns.


PENDING BUISNESS -- Technology options for Commission meetings – The Commissioners voted on which form of technology will be used for future electronic Commission meetings.  Commissioners Alber, Conde, Hudson, Malik, Salinas, Solon and Crawford all voted to use Zoom.  Commissioner Shipman voted to continue to use  AT&T.  Commissioner Bell-Krasner did not vote.  According to the votes, Commission Meetings will begin using Zoom on December 2nd.


NEW BUSINESS There was no new business.


The meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m.








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