Human Rights and Equity Programs Alert:
Commissioner Crawford (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Malik (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Bell-Krasner (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Shannon (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Conde (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Salinas (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Shumaker (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Director Kenneth Saunders (Home, Washington, D.C.)
Commissioner Bhinge
Commissioner Hudson
Commissioner Solon
Commissioner Shipman
Commission Chair Gloria Crawford called the Wednesday, October 20, 2021 Commission Meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Commissioner Conde and seconded by Commissioner Malik that the October 20, 2021 Agenda be approved as presented. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Approval of Minutes: It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Conde that the October 6, 2021 Minutes be approved as presented. The motion passed by majority vote, with Commissioner Malik abstaining.
STAFF ISSUES: There were no staff issues.
HRC #2021027H -- FIR: It was moved by Commissioner Bell-Krasner and seconded by Commissioner Malik that this complaint be dismissed due to insufficient evidence that a violation of the Fairfax County Fair Housing Act has occurred consistent with the recommendation of OHREP. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
HRC# 2021041H -- FIR: It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Bell-Krasner that this complaint be dismissed due to insufficient evidence that a violation of the Fairfax County Fair Housing Act has occurred consistent with the recommendation of OHREP. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
COMMUNITY CONCERNS: Commissioner Conde mentioned to the Commission that the Fair Housing Forum will be held next week and that the Commissioners should attend. More information is on the County website.
PENDING BUISNESS: Recognition in memory of George Alber. Commissioner Bell- Krasner suggested that the Commission contact the Board of Supervisors and issue a citation to Commissioner Alber for his service on the Commission. Commissioner Crawford mentioned presenting the certificate at the next Fair Housing event. Director Saunders will find out what the official process is by contacting the Clerk’s office and report back to the Commission.
NEW BUSINESS: Election of Officers - Commissioner Bell-Krasner nominated Commissioner Crawford as the Commissioner Chair and Commissioner Crawford accepted the nomination. Commissioner Gloria Crawford nominated Commissioner Malik for Vice Chair and Commissioner Malik accepted the nomination. Commissioner Malik nominated Commissioner Bell-Krasner as Secretary and Commissioner Bell-Krasner accepted the nomination. At the next meeting Commissioner Crawford will present the nominations to the Commissioners who were not present at tonight’s meeting, so they may add or nominate anyone else.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20p.m.