Human Rights and Equity Programs Alert:
Recording of Meeting:
Commissioner Crawford (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Alber (Home, Centreville, VA)
Commissioner Malik (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Salinas (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Bell-Krasner (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Shipman (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Solon (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Hudson (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Conde (Home, Alexandria, VA)
Deputy Director Patricia Stephan-Fawcett, (Home, Washington, D.C.)
Commissioner Bhinge
Commission Chair Gloria Crawford called the Wednesday, October 7, 2020 Commission meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Commissioner Malik and seconded by Commissioner Salinas that the October 7, 2020 Agenda be approved as presented. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Approval of Minutes: It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Malik that the September 16, 2020 Minutes be approved as presented. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
STAFF ISSUES: Deputy Director Pat Stephan-Fawcett updated the Commission regarding the August Monthly Report. The staff met the balance score card goals for the month. Also, interviews are being conducted to hire two or three new Investigators.
HRC# 202057H - FIR. It was moved by Commissioner Hudson and seconded by Commissioner Conde that the first allegation in this complaint be dismissed due to insufficient evidence that a violation of the Fair Housing Act has occurred consistent with the recommendation of OHREP. The motion passed by majority vote with Commissioners Alber and Bell-Krasner voting against the motion and Commissioner Solon abstaining.
It was moved by Commissioner Bell-Krasner and seconded by Commissioner Malik that the second and third allegations in this complaint be dismissed due to insufficient evidence that a violation of the Fair Housing Act has occurred consistent with
the recommendation of OHREP. The motion passed by majority vote with Commissioner Alber voting against the motion and Commissioner Solon abstaining.
HRC# 2020072H - FIR. It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Conde that this complaint be dismissed due to insufficient evidence that a violation of the Fair Housing Act has occurred consistent with the recommendation of OHREP. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
HRC# 2017080H - CONCILLIATION. It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Malik that the conciliation agreement in this matter be accepted as presented. The motion passed by unanimous vote
COMMUNITY CONCERNS - Commissioner Crawford stated that she attended the Fair Housing Task Force meeting last week and she will provide written information about the effects of the pandemic on housing to the commissioners in the near future.
PENDING BUISNESS - Technology options for Commission meetings – Compliance Supervisor Mike Simms reported on the options to hold Commission electronic meetings and will report back to the Commissioners.
NEW BUSINESS – Election of officers: Commissioner Malik nominated Commissioner Crawford for Commission Chair. Commissioner Conde seconded the motion in favor of Commissioner Crawford as Chair. The motion passed with unanimous vote.
It was moved by Commissioner Bell-Krasner and seconded by Commissioner Solon that the offices of Vice Chair and Secretary be held open until the next meeting. The motion passed by unanimous vote
The meeting adjourned at 9:42 p.m.