(The NVSWCD Board of Directors did not meet in December 2022)
Approved February 28, 2023
Meeting held in person with a virtual option via Microsoft Teams
January 24, 2023 MINUTES
Mr. Peters called the meeting to order at 9:31 am. Those attending in person and virtually (*) were:
NVSWCD Directors and Associate Directors
Jerry Peters, Director-Chairman
Scott Cameron, Director-Vice Chairman
Chris Koerner, Director-Secretary/Treasurer
Adria Bordas, Director-Extension
Johna Gagnon, Associate Director*
Harry Glasgow, Associate Director*
John Peterson, Associate Director*
Asad Rouhi, Associate Director
Elaine Tholen, Associate Director*
Cooperating Agency Representatives
Casey Iames, NRCS-USDA
Debbie Cross, Virginia DCR
Jim McGlone, Virginia DOF
Lake Barcroft WID Representatives
Davis Grant, General Manager
George McLennan, Trustee
Gerald Mendenhall, Trustee
Alan Pisarski, Trustee
Elizabeth Lonoff*
NVSWCD Staff Members
Willie Woode, Executive Director
Scott Baron, Urban Conservation Specialist
Judy Fraser, Urban Conservation Specialist
Don Lacquement, Urban Conservation Engineer
Dan Schwartz, Soil Scientist*
Heather Shackley, Operations Manager
Sophia Wood, Urban Conservation Specialist
*Participated Remotely
Welcome and Introductions
Mr. Peters welcomed all to the meeting. He noted that there is an in-person quorum for today’s meeting, with four members of the board present together in one location.
Minutes November 22, 2022
The minutes of the November 22, 2022 meeting of the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District (NVSWCD) Board of Directors had been distributed in advance of the meeting. Mr. Peters asked if there were any questions or corrections.
Hearing none, a motion (Bordas-Cameron) to approve the minutes of the November 22, 2022 meeting was approved by voice vote.
Treasurer’s Reports – November 2022, December 2022, and the Second Quarter of FY 2023
Mr. Koerner introduced the Treasurer’s Reports for November 2022, December 2022, and the Second Quarter of FY 2023, which were accepted by consensus to be filed for audit.
Ms. Bordas congratulated Mr. Koerner, Mr. Woode, and Ms. Shackley on the completion of the FY 2021-FY 2022 audit in December.
2023 Officer Nominating Committee Report
Mr. Peters asked Ms. Bordas, Chairman of the NVSWCD Nominating Committee, to present her report.
Ms. Bordas noted that NVSWCD officer elections take place annually. At the request of the former Chairman, Mr. Peterson, she prepared a slate of officers to serve from January 24, 2023 through January 23, 2024, unless there is a departure, or the NVSWCD Board of Directors agrees through formal action that a change is necessary prior to the end of the term. Ms. Bordas reported that she received recommendations from each individual board member and the Executive Director, in developing the slate of officers.
Ms. Bordas presented the following slate of officers for the term as outlined above:
Chairman Jerry Peters
Vice-Chairman Scott Cameron
Secretary/Treasurer Chris Koerner
Mr. Peters thanked Ms. Bordas for her service as Nominating Committee Chairman and asked if there were any nominations from the floor for the positions of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, or Treasurer.
Hearing none and following a motion (Bordas-Koerner) to approve the slate of officers as presented was approved unanimously by voice vote.
Ms. Bordas Recognized for 20 Years of Service
Following the vote, Mr. Peters presented Ms. Bordas with a 20-year service pin from the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (VASWCD) which had been awarded at the VASWCD’s annual meeting in Roanoke, Virginia in December. Ms. Bordas has served on the NVSWCD board for 20 years.
Lake Barcroft Watershed Improvement District Report and Proposed FY 2024 Budget
Mr. Peters introduced representatives from the Lake Barcroft Watershed Improvement District (LBWID), including Alan Pisarski, Trustee-Chairman, Jerry Mendenhall, Trustee-Treasurer, George McLennan, Trustee-Secretary, and Davis Grant, General Manager, and thanked them for their participation in today’s meeting. Mr. Pisarski thanked the board for its welcome, noting that the LBWID is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. He provided some information about the establishment of the LBWID and its history.
Mr. McLennan then provided the board with information about Lake Barcroft today, its operations, capital projects, and plans. He noted that the LBWID works in a variety of ways to ensure the lake’s environmental quality over the long term. He answered questions from the board about the LBWID operations and plans.
Mr. Mendenhall then presented information to the board regarding the LBWID finances and budget using a PowerPoint presentation. This information had also been included in the board package sent out in advance of the meeting. He reviewed the process and assumptions made in preparation of the budget. He noted that NVSWCD Board must approve the LBWID budget. He answered questions from the board.
A motion (Koerner-Cameron) to accept the LBWID proposed FY 2024 budget and submit the package to the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board (VSWCB) for final approval was approved by voice vote.
Mr. Woode will follow up with the trustees and Mr. Grant regarding the transmittal of materials to DCR.
Mr. Pisarski noted that Mr. Mendenhall will be stepping down as Treasurer of the LBWID after 13 years of service to the community. The LBWID and the Lake Barcroft Association have established a nominating committee which has received interest from ten candidates. Mr. Pisarski reported that they will submit the name to NVSWCD to be considered at its February 28, 2023 meeting. Once approved, the name will be submitted to the VSWCB for approval at its March 2023 meeting.
Mr. Peters thanked Mr. McLennan, Mr. Mendenhall, Mr. Pisarski, and Mr. Grant for their participation in today’s meeting.
Technical Review Committee
Ms. Bordas reported that the Technical Review Committee (TRC) met on December 20, 2022 and January 17, 2023 to review Soil and Water Quality Conservation Plans and Conservation Assistance Program/Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (CAP/VCAP) applications and reimbursements. Since there was no December NVSWCD board meeting, the TRC was operating under delegated authority to advance the December Conservation Plans to the Department of Zoning’s A&F Advisory Board, and to formally approve the CAP/VCAP applications reviewed in December. Conservation Plans reviewed by the TRC in both months still need formal approval from the board, as do the CAP/VCAP applications reviewed by the TRC in January. Details of these plans, applications, and reimbursements may be found in the TRC summary which had been included in the board package.
Soil and Water Quality Conservation Plan
The TRC considered two Soil and Water Quality Conservation Plans at the December TRC meeting (White Hall Farm A&F District Renewal and HZTM A&F District Renewal) and one plan at the January TRC meeting (Willow Hill Farm New A&F Plan).
A motion (Bordas-Koerner) to approve the three Soil and Water Quality Conservation Plans, as presented at the TRC meetings in December and January and recommended by that committee, were approved by voice vote.
Conservation Assistance Program New Applications and Reimbursements
The TRC considered three CAP/VCAP applications at its December meeting including conservation landscaping at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, and an infiltration trench and conservation landscaping at Towlston Meadows HOA.
In addition, two reimbursement requests were presented to the TRC at its December meeting, including those for Hidden Creek HOA for conservation landscaping and for St. Peter’s in the Woods Episcopal Church for conservation landscaping.
A motion (Bordas-Cameron) to approve the CAP/VCAP applications and reimbursements as outlined above and presented to the TRC in December, was approved by voice vote.
The TRC considered one CAP/VCAP application at its January meeting for conservation landscaping for the Longoria-Green property.
In addition, two reimbursement requests were presented to the TRC at its January meeting including those for the Cantrell property for permeable paving and for the Chaudhary property for conservation landscaping.
A motion (Bordas-Koerner) to approve the CAP/VCAP applications and reimbursements as outlined above and presented to the TRC in January, was approved by voice vote.
Next Meeting of the Technical Review Committee
The next meeting of the TRC will be held on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.
Reallocation of FY 2023 Virginia Agricultural Cost Share Funds
Ms. Bordas reported that as a part of the grant agreement with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), the district must use or transfer 90% of its Virginia Agricultural Cost Share (VACS) allocation by the end of the fiscal year. Not demonstrating an effort will cause the district to receive unfavorable marks on its annual assessment, which is presented to the VSWCB each year. Through the preparation of Soil and Water Quality Conservation Plans, NVSWCD staff continue to work toward the identification of new cooperators or new projects. However, there are often reasons on the cooperator’s side for not participating in the program. Nonetheless, the program continues to be promoted and staff works hard to utilize the funding for agricultural BMPs in Fairfax County. Mr. Woode provides Soil and Water Quality Conservation plans for an average of 15 properties each year.
Staff has recommended approval to transfer NVSWCD’s FY 2023 VACS fund allocation, plus associated additional technical assistance, as required by the grant, in support of the Colonial Soil and Water Conservation District. It was noted that NVSWCD will be able to retain its base technical assistance funding of $12,020.
A motion (Bordas-Cameron) to authorize the transfer of $84,016.00, with associated FY 2023 technical assistance in the amount of $7,635, to the Colonial SWCD in support of VACS projects and to meet NVSWCD’s obligations under the FY 2023 Agricultural Cost Share Grant Agreement with DCR was approved by voice vote.
Legislative Committee Report
Mr. Cameron reported on several legislative initiatives, noting that he has had a very busy six weeks.
Mr. Cameron reported that at the VASWCD annual meeting in December, the VASWCD Legislative Committee adopted the three legislative priorities put forth by NVSWCD, including initiatives on natural landscaping, invasive species, and solar energy. These priorities are now included in the association’s policy book and have been posted on the VASWCD website. This year’s General Assembly began on January 11, 2023 and will last just 45 days. Mr. Cameron is keeping Mr. Peters and Mr. Woode, as well as Kendall Tyree and Blair Blanchette of VASWCD, informed of his activities.
The Fairfax Delegation to the Virginia General Assembly held a town hall meeting on January 7, 2023 at which Mr. Cameron spoke about NVSWCD priorities.
There will not be a formal VASWCD Legislative Day this year, but Mr. Cameron had an opportunity to visit legislators informally with Ms. Tyree, Ms. Blanchette, and a new director from Chesterfield County. Delegate Plum asked if NVSWCD can provide him with copies of the “Plant This, Not That” brochure. Mr. Woode will follow up with Mr. Cameron to make sure Delegate Plum receives this.
Mr. Cameron noted that he spoke about district legislative initiatives this past week at an event held at the Old Presbyterian Meeting House.
Mr. Cameron asked that the board review and revise, if necessary, its remote meeting policy in keeping with updated guidelines from the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Council. This is essential to allow the Legislative Committee to meet virtually, per FOIA guidelines. Mr. Peters asked Mr. Cameron to poll current members of the Legislative Committee to find out if they are willing to continue their participation.
Ms. Gagnon reported that she participated in Franconia and Mount Vernon District town hall meetings recently.
(Ms. Bordas departed at 10:26 am)
Potomac Council/Potomac Watershed Roundtable Update
Mr. Peters reported on the most recent meetings of the Potomac Council and Potomac Watershed Roundtable, held at the Prince William County Service Authority (PWCSA) on January 13, 2023. He represents NVSWCD at these meetings with Mr. Woode serving as alternate. The Potomac Council serves as the administrative arm of the Potomac Watershed Roundtable and is comprised of representatives from the six soil and water conservation districts in the Potomac Watershed. The Potomac Watershed Roundtable includes these same members and representatives from municipalities within the watershed along with other interested individuals from government, non-profit, and private sector entities.
Potomac Council
At the Potomac Council meeting which preceded the roundtable meeting, there was a discussion about the Potomac Council bylaws and charter. A committee has been formed to study and revise this document.
Potomac Watershed Roundtable
Mr. Peters reported that, at the Potomac Watershed Roundtable meeting, Mr. Peterson’s long service with both the council and the roundtable was praised. Mr. Peterson served as NVSWCD’s primary member to both bodies and served as chairman of the Potomac Council for many years.
Mr. Peters provided an overview of the Potomac Watershed Roundtable meeting agenda, which included a presentation by staff from Fairfax Water on per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS or “forever chemicals”) and EPA rulings that are expected later this spring regarding these substances. The meeting also included an overview of the HL Mooney Advanced Water Reclamation Facility at the PWCSA. The PWCSA provided the meeting space, lunch and refreshments, and a tour of the facility after the meeting.
The next meetings of both the Potomac Council and Potomac Watershed Roundtable will be held on Fridays, April 14, July 7, and October 6, 2023. The meetings generally rotate around the watershed with the SWCDs in those areas serving as hosts for the meeting. These meetings are open to the public and are a great opportunity to meet others and learn about factors that affect all within the watershed.
Green Breakfast.
Mr. Woode reported that at the January 14, 2023 Green Breakfast, NVSWCD Soil Scientist Dan Schwartz presented on the topic of “Medicines from the Soil,” which included information on the search for new antibiotics from soil bacteria and other microbes to replace or supplement current antibiotics which are losing effectiveness. Mr. Schwartz noted that the event was held via Microsoft Teams and was attended by 50 people. Mr. Peters said that the presentation was very well received.
There was then some discussion about the possibility of returning the Green Breakfast to an in-person event. Mr. Peters asked Mr. Woode to explore this possibility with staff. It was noted that Brion’s Grille where the Green Breakfast was held for years has closed.
Ms. Gagnon suggested that perhaps an outside event could be held as has been done at previous Green Breakfasts.
Following the Fairfax Water presentation at the January Potomac Watershed Roundtable meeting, it was suggested that PFAS might be a good topic for a future Green Breakfast.
Tree Commission
Mr. Peters reported on the December and January meetings of the Tree Commission and on the topics discussed at those meetings. At the December meeting, the Tree Commission heard a presentation by Sara Morgan, Senior Planner with the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Development, about amendments to landscaping and screening requirements. The existing code provisions are being reviewed with a goal to have more standard plan requirements. Mr. Peters expects that the Tree Commission will be kept informed of the results of this revision and he will in turn update the board.
The Tree Commission has drafted and sent a letter to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on “linear project exemptions,” trails, streets, and stream restorations that are currently exempt from tree planning requirements. It is hoped that the county attorney can determine whether the county’s current code could be changed to exert more control over trail and street projects, ensuring that these projects follow the same guidelines that developers must follow.
Mr. Peters reported on upcoming Tree Commission charter changes, noting that the document was last revised decades ago. Substantive changes have been proposed including improved information on natural landscaping. The oversight of this revision rests with the Community of Practice, a collaborative body created by the Tree Action Plan.
Fairfax County Urban Forest Management Division is working with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments in collaboration with American Forest’s to bring the Tree Equity Score Analyzer to the metropolitan area. This is a multi-jurisdictional effort in which Fairfax County is participating and providing data. The resulting “equity score” could then be used by area jurisdictions to guide their programs.
Dr. McGlone added that American Forests, the developer of the equity score tool, is a non-profit organization. This score will provide a finer analysis than is currently available through census data. American Forests has done this in counties across the country, including Arlington County.
Mr. Peters reported that the Fairfax County Urban Forest Management “Tree Basics” booklet is being updated and translated into several languages. The district distributes this booklet during the Seedling Sale each year.
The main topic of conversation at the Tree Commission’s January meeting was the award of the Friends of Trees Award. There was a good list of worthy recipients this year.
Engineering Standards Review Committee
Dr. Rouhi reported that the ESRC did not meet in January. As reported in November, he noted that the group’s last meeting was held in 2021. A meeting will be held when there is something new to discuss such as any future edits to the Public Facilities Manual.
Community Energy and Climate Action Plan and Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan Updates
Mr. Lamb was unable to attend today’s meeting.
Other Items—Directors, Associates, Consultants
Mr. Peters called for any other items from district’s directors, associate directors, and consultants.
He noted that he has received information about Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) affecting the deer population in the area. CWD, a spongiform encephalitis, universally fatal in deer, elk, and moose, has been reported in Vienna. In other areas of the country, up to 40% of the deer population are infected with CWD.
There was some interest in having a presentation on this topic at a future meeting. Mr. Cameron volunteered to reach out to a contact at the United States Geological Survey.
Mr. Peters reported that it is not certain whether this disease can be transmitted to humans through infected meat. The suggestion is to have meat tested before consuming.
Mr. Peterson reported that he is still the Treasurer for the VASWCD’s Educational Foundation. He reported that the foundation manages 13 different scholarships. He attended a meeting of the foundation yesterday and reported that both Ms. Palmer and Ms. Fraser were praised for their work on VASWCD programs.
Mr. Peterson is helping to coordinate the filming of a portion of a USDA documentary here in Fairfax County. This portion will highlight the Pohick Creek Watershed PL-566 Project dams. It is hoped that filming will be Friday of this week at Lake Braddock and Lake Royal. He has already spoken to Mr. Woode, Mr. Lacquement, Chairman McKay, and Supervisor Walkinshaw about their participation. He hopes to have more information to share tonight or tomorrow.
Finally, Mr. Peterson reported that Wayne Davis from the Colonial SWCD expressed his appreciation to NVSWCD for the transfer of VACS Funds.
Executive Director’s Report and Staff Reports
Mr. Woode noted that staff reports had been included in the board package. He provided the following highlights of staff work over the last two months:
The district’s biennial audit was held on December 21, 2022 and went very well. He extended kudos to Ms. Shackley for her dedication and institutional knowledge which helped make the audit a success.
Mr. Woode recently attended a meeting of a partnership project between the district and the Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services on flood mitigation. This is to be an ongoing effort which will work to construct and improve stormwater facilities and flood mitigation and protection measures. Mr. Woode noted that district staff have been providing information on backyard flooding mitigation to county residents for years. In this program the district would help to manage and distribute grant funding. Additional information will be brought to the board as the scope of this program continues to develop.
In addition, the Fairfax County Office of Energy and Environmental Coordination (OEEC) is exploring ideas for an energy conservation assistance program. Ms. Fraser is discussing these possibilities with the OEEC.
Mr. Woode asked Mr. Baron to introduce Sophia Wood, who has recently rejoined staff as a limited term Urban Conservation Specialist to assist with the Trapa program. Ms. Wood served the district in the fall as its Outreach and Education Intern. Her previous experience will be an asset in her new role.
Mr. Woode reported that the district currently has a candidate in mind for the Agricultural Water Quality Specialist position and is in negotiations with that individual. Mr. Woode will update the board as soon as he has additional information.
Mr. Woode was interviewed by Supervisor Penny Gross’ for an episode of her cable television “Mason Matters” program which aired in December on Channel 16. Mr. Woode will share a link to the episode with the board.
Mr. Woode spoke at an evening meeting of the Long Branch Stream Restoration project. This is a collaborative effort of the Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services, the Fairfax County Park Authority and NVSWCD. The primary goals of the project are to meet the Long Branch Central TMDL waste load reduction requirements, to improve water quality within the Long Branch Central watershed, and to improve habitat and environmental health. The project includes the restoration of about six and a half miles of stream and 75 stormwater outfalls.
Cooperating Agencies
Fairfax County Department of Public Works, Stormwater Planning Division
Ms. Torgersen was unable to participate in today’s meeting but sent an email in advance noting that she had nothing to report this month.
Fairfax County Health Department
Mr. Shannon was unable to participate in today’s meeting.
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
Ms. Cross provided highlights from her report which had been included in the board package. She congratulated Ms. Bordas on her 20 years of service to the district and the district staff on completing the biennial audit. She also noted that the most recent VASWCD Area II report highlighted Mr. Peterson, his service on the local, state, and national level, and his recent retirement from the board.
Natural Resources Conservation Service/US Department of Agriculture
Ms. Iames highlighted items from her report which had been included in the board package.
Virginia Department of Forestry
Dr. McGlone reported that the Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) has just released a Request for Proposals for the Virginia Trees for Clean Water grants. The purpose of these grants is to plant trees, improve water quality, to educate the public on the value of trees, and to help meet Chesapeake Bay Watershed Improvement Program goals. He noted that applications for these grants will be accepted on an ongoing basis through December 31, 2023, and that the application must be submitted at least 30 days before the project starts. Dr. McGlone noted that the application process is online this year. He had provided directions in the board package and as handouts at today’s meeting to help those who wish to apply navigate the online system.
There was some discussion about CWD affecting the deer population at Mount Vernon, as well as some questions about Beech Leaf Disease, which Dr. McGlone addressed.
Other Business
Mr. Cameron expressed an interest in having an update on the running bamboo initiative at an upcoming board meeting. He suggested that perhaps Fairfax County Code Compliance Division could be invited to speak.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:54 am by consensus.
The next regular business meeting of the NVSWCD Board of Directors will be held on February 28, 2023, at 9:30 am
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Shackley, Operations Manager
Christopher E. Koerner, Secretary-Treasurer
Approved February 28, 2023
(Note: TRC decisions and requested board actions are highlighted and italicized)
December 2022 and January 2023 Technical Review Committee Report
The TRC met on December 20th, 2022 and January 17th, 2023 to review Conservation Plans and CAP-VCAP applications and reimbursements. Since there was no December Board meeting, the TRC was operating under delegated authority to advance the December Conservation Plans to the Department of Zoning’s A&F Advisory Board, and to formally approve the CAP-VCAP applications reviewed in December. Conservation Plans reviewed by the TRC in both months still need formal approval from the Board, as do the CAP-VCAP applications reviewed by the TRC in January.
Minutes of the November 15th and December 20th TRC meetings were approved with minor revisions.
Mr. Woode presented two Conservation Plans at the December 20th meeting and one plan at the January 17th meeting.
White Hall Farm A&F District Renewal, Fairfax
- 205-acre property in the Popes Head Creek Watershed, with 15.5 acres in pasture. Another 15.5 acres was formerly in vegetable production. The previous owner died and his inheritors are deciding whether to keep this acreage in vegetables or convert it to cow pasture.
- While the cow pasture receives only manure and compost, the Conservation Plan includes fertilizer recommendations should they decide to add any in the future. The Plan also includes liming recommendations.
- Mr. Woode hopes to revive a stream exclusion project that he had brought to the attention of the previous owner but will wait until the inheritors have had more time to decide on the farm’s future production.
HZTM A&F District Renewal, Clifton
- This 80.3-acre property is in the Popes Head Creek Watershed adjacent to White Hall Farm. The property is a mix of fields and forest.
- Two ponds are on the property. The smaller one has minor erosion at its spillway and the larger pond is infested with water chestnut. The Conservation Plan includes recommendations for controlling both problems.
- A portion of the forested area is infested with invasive species, including Autumn olive. The Conservation Plan includes advice and recommendations for invasive control.
- The Plan also recommends converting some of the grass fields to trees and refers the owner to the EQUIP program.
January Conservation Plans
Willow Hill Farm New A&F Plan, Vienna
- 5-acre property in Difficult Run Watershed
- Houses a garden operation and 35 animals of various species
- Complicated plan since owners are new to farming and brought in the animals before the pastures were established. Ms. Bordas and Mr. Woode cooperated on the plan, which recommends the following:
- Protect the RPA with hot wire fencing
- Build a sacrifice area, with the option to expand it if needed
- Install gutters and downspouts to control barn runoff
- Seed the pastures now with a temporary crop, then mow and seed with pasture mix in the fall.
- Keep animals off the pastures until they are established
- Install a manure composter
- Protect the well head with fencing
- The Committee discussed whether the property is a suitable location for the proposed operation. Mr. Woode and Ms. Bordas say that it is a difficult location given the lack of pasture, the steep north-facing slopes, and the density of animals, but the property was kept in hay or pasture in the past and the new owners seem to have the will and means to implement the plan’s suggestions.
Program Updates
In the December TRC meeting, Ms. Fraser reported that
- All outstanding site visit requests are to be completed by the end of the year.
- Two Conservation Districts in other parts of the state will pilot an effort to provide up-front cost-share to lower income applicants. NVSWCD staff will pay close attention to this project for lessons learned should we wish to implement something similar.
- Interest in the CAP Energy program has rejuvenated, with two churches expressing interest in projects.
In the January TRC meeting, Ms. Cunha presented an overview of the process staff uses to bring a VCAP applicant from the initial homeowner contact to an installed project.
CAP-VCAP Applications and Reimbursements
December Applications
Three new applications were presented at the December 20th meeting.
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer Conservation Landscaping – McLean
- Conservation landscaping is proposed to disperse and absorb runoff originating from a neighboring parking lot. The planting plan includes straw wattles placed across the flow to slow and spread the runoff.
- The committee suggests rock vanes as a more permanent alternative to the wattles, and that—outside of the VCAP project’s scope—the church can naturalize its extensive grass area by taking it out of mowing and allowing leaves and woody debris to build up.
- Ms. Fraser will pass these comments on to the church and will also recommend adding more groundcover to the planting plan.
- Size – 810 ft2; Total Cost - $11,935; Cost-Share - $7,000
Towlston Meadows HOA Conservation Landscaping and Infiltration Trench – McLean
Infiltration Trench
- Runoff from tennis courts flows down a steep hill where it is causing gully erosion. The infiltration trench will absorb the runoff before it reaches the slope. The trench will be filled with approximately 300 drainage crates to increase its capacity.
- The overflow from the trench was to flow into a step pool conveyance, but the state Steering Committee felt that this was unnecessary and asked the applicant to simplify the overflow. Ms. Fraser and staff will work with the applicant to create an acceptable revisionto bring to the Steering Committee.
- Size – 1,262 ft2 (trench); Total Cost - $37,500; Cost-Share - $30,000. The cost and cost-share will likely reduce with the simplified overflow.
Conservation Landscaping
- In the cul-de-sac downhill of the tennis courts, six white pines were cut years ago, and the area was left mulched. Invasive species have begun to fill in. The conservation landscaping plan will convert the area into a dense bed of natives.
- The Committee recommends substituting Little bluestem for the Splitbeard bluestem but otherwise sees no issues.
- Size – 2,310 ft2; Total Cost - $14,500; Cost Share - $7,000
January Applications
One new application was presented at the January 17th meeting.
Longoria-Green Conservation Landscaping –Alexandria
- Sloping site with runoff originating from uphill neighbor and the roof and lawn of the property itself.
- Owners wish to transform whole property into native and edible landscaping. VCAP funding will be used to convert front yard from lawn to natives.
- Homeowners have a professional design but will do installation themselves.
- Size – 1,765 ft2; Total Cost - $31,233,47; Cost-Share - $7,000
December Reimbursements
Two reimbursement requests were considered at the December 20th meeting.
Hidden Creek HOA Conservation Landscaping – Fairfax
- The HOA installed a planted berm on a slope leading down to a storm drain and planted the area surrounding the storm drain.
- Despite significant flow, Ms. Fraser has not heard of any erosion problems with the project
- Size - 448 ft2; Total Cost - $5,086; Cost-Share - $4,048.80
St. Peter’s in the Woods Conservation Landscaping - Fairfax Station
- Conservation landscaping was installed at the top of the hill in an eroded grassy areas bordering Ox Rd. Ms. Fraser convinced the church to plant at a higher density with more groundcover than originally proposed.
- Size – 2,450 ft2; Total Cost - $15,675; Cost-Share - $7,000.
January Reimbursements
Two reimbursement requests were considered at the January17th meeting.
Cantrell Permeable Paving – Alexandria, Cameron Run Watershed, Franconia District
- The homeowners removed their existing asphalt driveway, replaced it with a slightly smaller permeable driveway, and planted the remaining 100 square feet with native vegetation.
- Most reimbursement goes to the permeable paving, but a small portion goes to the native planting which qualifies as impervious surface removal.
- Size - 750 ft2 permeable paving + 100 ft2 impervious surface removal; Total cost - $26,184; Cost-Share - $11,000.
Chaudhary Conservation Landscaping – Centreville, Cub Run Watershed, Sully District
- A 2-acre planting project with some funding provided by a Virginia Dept. of Forestry grant.
- The VCAP-funded portion of the project is approximately one acre and includes 480 bare root trees and shrubs planted in tree tubes.
- The committee raised concerns that tree tubes won’t stop deer browse and that shrubs may have a difficult time growing from the tubes. Ms. Fraser will communicate these concerns to the homeowners so they have a realistic view of project maintenance.
- Size - 47,916 ft2; Total cost - $12,243.96; Cost-share - $3,500 (refers only to the portion of the project funded by CAP-VCAP).
Operating under delegated authority from the Board, the TRC approves the three CAP-VCAP applications and two reimbursement requests presented at the December 20th meeting. The Towlston Meadows Infiltration Trench approval is conditional upon the applicant presenting a revised plan that is accepted by the state’s VCAP Steering Committee. No further action is needed by the Board.
The TRC recommends that the Board approve the one VCAP application and two reimbursement requests reviewed at the January 17th TRC meeting.
- The TRC recommends that the Board approve the three Soil & Water Quality Conservation Plans reviewed at their December and January meetings.
- The TRC further recommends that the Board approve the one VCAP application and two reimbursement requests reviewed at their January meeting.
Applicant |
Location |
Supervisor District |
Watershed |
Plan Type |
Property Size (acres) |
December Applications |
White Hall Farm |
Fairfax |
Springfield |
Popes Head Creek |
Renewal |
205 |
Clifton |
Springfield |
Popes Head Creek |
Renewal |
80.3 |
January Applications |
Willow Hill Farm |
Vienna |
Hunter Mill |
Difficult Run |
New |
5 |
December 2022 & January 2023 Soil & Water Quality Conservation Plans
December 2022 & January 2023 CAP AND VCAP Applications
Program |
Location |
Supervisor District |
Watershed |
Type |
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer |
McLean |
Dranesville |
Pimmit Run |
CL |
810 SF |
Towlston Meadows HOA |
Vienna |
Dranesville |
Difficult Run |
CL |
2,310 SF |
Towlston Meadows HOA |
Vienna |
Dranesville |
Difficult Run |
IF |
1,262 SF |
Longoria-Green |
Alexandria |
Mount Vernon |
Dogue Creek |
CL |
1,765 SF |
December 2022 and January 2023 CAP AND VCAP Reimbursements
Applicant |
Program |
Location |
Supervisor District |
Watershed |
Type |
December Reimbursements |
Hidden Creek HOA |
Fairfax |
Braddock |
Accotink Creek |
CL |
448 SF |
St. Peters in the Woods |
Fairfax Station |
Springfield |
Popes Head Creek |
CL |
2,450 SF |
January Reimbursements |
Cantrell |
Alexandria |
Franconia |
Cameron Run |
PP |
750 SF + 100 SF ISR |
Chaudhary |
Centreville |
Sully |
Bull Run |
CL |
47,916 SF (21,000 SF) |
Approved February 21, 2023