Join us to learn how you can fight back against con artists. Con artists don’t care how hard you’ve worked for your money. They steal billions of dollars from hard-working Americans every year. With advances in artificial intelligence (AI), scams can be hard to identify. Criminals make it hard to spot fraud by using AI to mimic voices, alter photos, and avoid spelling and grammar mistakes.
That’s why AARP Virginia and Fairfax County’s Silver Shield Task Force invite you to the 7th Annual Scam Jam. This year's Scam Jam will feature Stephen Ruth and Jane King. Ruth is a professor of Public Policy at Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.
You’ll meet King, an advocate in the fight against fraud and hear her personal story of losing $15,000 to a grandparent scam and what she’s doing about it. You’ll learn the red flags to spot scams and protect yourself and your family, as well as how to report fraud.
You will also hear from representatives of the American Bankers Association, and cyber security experts with the FBI. Exhibits and free resources will be available to help you protect yourself and warn others.
Doors open at 8:30 a.m. and the program begins promptly at 9:00 a.m.
Complimentary morning refreshments and lunch will be provided.
A shred truck will be on-site from 12 – 3:00 p.m. so you can shred your sensitive documents securely. Limit of two banker size boxes per a car please. All participants must register.
Help spread the word about Scam Jam 2024! (PDF)