To report Abuse, Exploitation, or Neglect of an adult who is 60 years or older or is 18 years and older and incapacitated.
Reports can be filed for people who live alone or with relatives or who are residents in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospitals, or group homes.
How We Help
We receive and investigate reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of adults.
We receive and investigate reports of adults "at risk" of abuse, neglect or exploitation.
We assess for service needs and determine whether the adult in question needs protective services.
We may provide case management services.
Adult Protective Services is a free service.
Who Should Report Suspected Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation?
Anyone can report a suspected incident of abuse, neglect or exploitation.
Reporting just takes a phone call.
State law requires that the identity of people who report suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation be kept strictly confidential.
Reporters are immune from any civil or criminal liability unless they act in bad faith or with a malicious purpose.
Some people are required by law to immediately report suspected abuse, neglect and exploitation. Find out more about state mandated reporters.
Goals of Adult Protective Services
Protect older adults and incapacitated adults from abuse, neglect or exploitation.
Prevent abuse, neglect or exploitation of older adults and incapacitated adults.
Help older and incapacitated adults continue to live in their own homes as long as possible.
Help older and incapacitated adults find appropriate placements in nursing homes or other institutions only when necessary.
Help older adults and incapacitated adults become as self-sufficient as possible.