Project Background
As a result of several recent storm events, including the July 2019 event, the Potomac Hills neighborhood experienced significant flooding. This stormwater improvement project will evaluate existing drainage and stormwater infrastructure that leads to the local stream, Pimmit Run, and recommend a solution to mitigate the flooding.
Project Description
This neighborhood stormwater improvement project will evaluate existing drainage and stormwater infrastructure throughout the Potomac Hills neighborhood and within a 90-acre drainage area that leads to Pimmit Run. The project's primary goals are to mitigate structural flooding and improve the resiliency of the drainage system.
Project Location
This project is in the Potomac Hills neighborhood and includes the drainage system from Mori Street, Nelway Drive, Kellogg Drive and Cola Drive to Pimmit Run.
Project Phase
County staff are evaluating the concept design and alternatives to minimize large scale disruption throughout the neighborhood. Staff will be working with individual property owners over the coming months to determine solutions to reduce structural flooding.