Our administrative offices are open to the public by appointment only at this time. Please call or email 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
Looking for an exciting career? Join the award-winning, internationally-accredited Fairfax County Government Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWES). Our mission is to create and preserve a sustainable community, and we need passionate individuals like you to help us achieve it.
DPWES has multiple business areas, all working hard to move our mission forward:
Solid Waste Management
Capital Facilities
Stormwater Management
Wastewater Management
Director’s Office
We’re about 1200 employees strong, so there are a lot of different job types and career paths, from administrative roles to engineers, heavy equipment operators to scientists, graphic artists and videographers to IT professionals, and more. Whether you’re interested in teaching the community about sustainability or driving an 18-wheeler, there is a place for you at DPWES.
In addition to our current merit job openings, the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services may have opportunities for non-merit jobs which have no, or limited, benefits.
We understand the need for and fully support a healthy work-life balance, offering up to 60% teleworking for eligible positions, comprehensive benefits, including medical, life and disability insurance, tuition reimbursement, and a great retirement plan that you will not find in the private sector.
We value a work culture that promotes a sense of safety and belonging for everyone and we align our work with the county’s One Fairfax policy to promote equity in our programs and diversity in our workforce. Employee professional growth is emphasized through training, work assignments, and career promotional opportunities.
DPWES’s mission and services are focused on achieving the Board of Supervisors’ environmental, economic, recreational, transportation, safety, and social equity strategic priorities.
The department is accredited by the American Public Works Association. This national program recognizes public works agencies that comply with or exceed recommended best practices. The recognition affirms the department’s commitment to providing the highest quality services to Fairfax County residents.
When We Say DPWES Wants YOU, We Mean It
Please watch our employee orientation video to learn more about how DPWES accomplishes its mission to create and maintain sustainable communities.
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Ever wondered what it's like to work for our Solid Wast Management Division? Check out our latest video to get an inside look at the incredible team, the impactful work, and the rewarding experiences that come with a career in solid waste!
From keeping our communities clean to promoting sustainability, our team plays an important role every single day.
If you share their passion about the environment and you’re looking for a fulfilling career, we want YOU to join our team!
Get Your Career Rolling!
Take the wheel and get your career rolling. The Solid Waste Management Program is looking for Class A and B drivers. Earn great pay and benefits; enjoy steady hours; drive modern, well-maintained equipment; and work with a professional team that values your safety.
Stay tuned because soon we’ll start posting more videos to show you some of what we do. And make sure to follow us on social media: Facebook at and @ffxpublicworks on X (formerly Twitter).