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The Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA), in partnership with the Fairfax County Office of Environmental and Energy Coordination (OEEC), was presented with a 2024 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Technology Award for successfully applied innovative building design, incorporating high standards for effective energy management and indoor air quality.
FCPA was recognized for the Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESCO) Phase 1 Project at Cub Run Rec Center in Chantilly, which took first prize in regional competition in August 2024.
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Simple lifestyle changes by county residents can add up to big changes that help build a more sustainable environment. A new county-sponsored public awareness campaign draws attention to actions that residents can take to foster environmental stewardship and promote sustainable practices that will ensure a greener, healthier future.
The county’s “Sustain Fairfax” campaign makes it easy for residents to get involved. The campaign’s webpage (“Fairfax Sostenible” in Spanish) lists actionable steps, as well as resources, information and opportunities to participate in various climate action programs and initiatives.
Sustain Fairfax is a response to growing concerns about climate change, environmental degradation and the need for collective action. Through this initiative, the county seeks to create a more sustainable future by encouraging actions that conserve energy, reduce the reliance on gas-powered vehicles, safeguard homes from flooding and severe storms, and preserve natural resources that enhance the overall quality of life for its residents.
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Our efforts to make county operations greener has resulted in nearly $8 million in savings from avoided utility costs in fiscal year 2024.
By making its buildings energy efficient, installing solar panels for clean energy, and electrifying its vehicle fleet, Fairfax County has also cut its greenhouse gas emissions by almost 28% since fiscal year 2018, according to new data from the county’s energy dashboard.
“Reducing our use of fossil fuels for powering our buildings and vehicles not only provides important environmental benefits and improves our energy independence and resilience, it also lowers our utility and fuel costs,” said County Executive Bryan Hill. “As this new data shows, we continue to make steady progress on the environmental goals of the Countywide Strategic Plan and our operational goal of carbon neutrality by 2040.”
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