Resources for Businesses

On this webpage, you will find a variety of resources for Fairfax County businesses looking to take climate action, such as being more energy efficient, reducing waste, and adopting sustainable transportation. It also provides information on Fairfax County programs and other government incentives to support your sustainability efforts. 

Sustain Fairfax: Your Actions, Our Climate

With your actions and support, we can create a sustainable and resilient Fairfax County — helping fight climate change and protect our community. Find out how your company's actions, like making building energy upgrades or encouraging sustainable transportation, can make a big difference.

Programs for Common-Interest Communities

Building a Green Team

Assembling a group of interested and responsible employees can be a great first step toward establishing a culture of sustainability at your workplace. These groups are often called green teams, but any name will do. At Fairfax County, our employee group is called Fairfax Employees for Environmental Excellence, or FEEE. Based on our experience, we are pleased to share some tips for how to start a green team and outreach ideas that we’ve found successful.

Sign up for the Environmental, Climate, and Energy Newsletter

Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter - dedicated to providing you with the latest news and updates on climate change initiatives and policies. Sign up below and view past newsletters here.

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