
On this page you’ll find information and resources for reducing and responsibly managing the amount of waste we generate – to help mitigate climate change and improve natural resilience for Fairfax County. Refer to the Department of Public Works & Environmental Services for detailed information about solid waste management programs and policies, including trash and recycling services. 

Repair, Repurpose or Recycle: What to Do About Your Old Appliances

The average household has more than a dozen appliances, like refrigerators, ovens, dryers, microwaves, toasters, blenders and more. What should we do when these appliances reach the end of their useful life or are no longer needed, even if they still work? Do they have to be discarded and wasted? Find out more on our Climate Matters blog!

Waste and Climate Action

Achieving zero waste goals is an important component of lowering our carbon emissions and building resiliency to climate change. Learn more about Fairfax County's climate action efforts around waste - including reducing the amount of waste overall and diverting more of it from incinerators and landfills to waste-to-energy facilities. 

Zero Waste

The best way to minimize waste is to create less of it in the first place! Fairfax County's Zero Waste program works to minimize solid waste in county facilities to close to nothing and to do so through a holistic approach: by rethinking not only how we dispose of materials, but also what we use and how we use it. Learn more about the Zero Waste initiative for government and schools. 

Recycling and Trash

Recycling and environmentally-responsible trash disposal keeps Fairfax County clean, healthy, and sustainable. Learn more about Fairfax County's solid waste programs and policies. 

Waste Checklist

Our Waste checklist provides 10 actions you can take to reduce your household waste and lower your carbon footprint.

Sign up for the Environmental, Climate, and Energy Newsletter

Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter - dedicated to providing you with the latest news and updates on climate change initiatives and policies. Sign up below and view past newsletters here.

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