Climate Action Dashboard

Fairfax County has adopted ambitious climate action goals for both emissions reduction (addressing the cause of climate change) and resiliency (addressing the effects of climate change). The Climate Action Dashboard includes overall metrics pages for both emissions reduction and resilience. Additionally, the dashboard includes sector-specific pages for metrics relating to Buildings, Energy Supply, Transportation, Waste, and Natural Resources, as well as metrics associated with Community Services. For more information on the county’s plans for emissions reduction, please visit the Community Wide Energy and Climate Action Plan (CECAP) and the Operational Energy Strategy. For more information on resilience, visit the Resilient Fairfax plan.

Sector-Specific Metrics: 

On the following pages, you’ll find emission reduction and resiliency metrics related to specific sectors: Buildings, Energy Supply, Transportation, Waste, Natural Resources, and Community Services.

Climate Plans, Policies, and Initiatives

Fairfax County has enacted significant plans, policies and initiatives to address the causes and effects of climate change and advance environmentally sound and energy efficient activities in county operations and beyond. From plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resiliency community-wide to a sweeping environmental vision that addresses the conservation and protection of natural resources, these plans and policies help to define a sustainable future for all residents.

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