Please note: During the transition, PLUS and ProjectDox will be unavailable end of day Friday, Oct 21, while FIDO and PAWS will only be available in view mode. Please plan ahead if you are trying to start a new project or complete one that has been in the system.
Due to the Release 4 PLUS outage, customers will not be able to submit new applications, view submitted applications, schedule inspections, make payments or upload plan documents.
The review and processing of applications submitted in October and November may take longer than usual due to the outage. Please call the Office of the Fire Marshal at 703-246-4803 for assistance
PLUS will replace all legacy systems (FIDO, PAWS and ProjectDox) beginning Monday, Oct. 31, 2022. For further questions or assistance, customers should call OFM staff at the numbers listed in the PLUS Support section below.