Office of the Fire Marshal

CONTACT INFORMATION: Office Hours: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday, Lobby Hours: 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
703-246-4800 TTY 711
12099 Government Center Parkway
Fairfax, VA 22035
John Walser
Assistant Chief, Fire Official - 703-246-4753

Billable Services & Fees

Fee Changes Effective July 1, 2024

Starting July 1, Fairfax County will implement updated fee schedules for Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM) permits and plan review rates. The adjustments are intended to reflect the increase in costs related to personnel operations.

  • The fee adjustments are the first significant update since 2015 for the Office of the Fire Marshal.
  • This fee adjustment reflects the impact of rising personnel costs and overall increase in operational costs.

Read more about these changes.

The Revenue and Records Branch is responsible for the collection of fees for services outlined in Chapter 61 and Chapter 62 of the Code of the County of Fairfax. Staff processes applications submitted in PLUS and Freedom of Information Act requests pertaining to fire protection systems, fire prevention code permits, building fire inspections, tanks and hazardous materials. 


Methods Accepted: || CASH || CHECK || MONEY ORDER || CREDIT CARD ||

  • Checks/Money Orders. Online ACH payments can be made through PLUS.  Checks and money orders paid in-person should be made out to COUNTY OF FAIRFAX. 
  • Credit Cards Accepted. Credit cards accepted include American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa.
  • Credit Card Transactions. Credit card payments are only available online in PLUS. In-person credit card payment services are not available.
  • Credit Card Convenience Fees. A convenience fee of 2.35% applies to each credit card payment transaction.

Authority to Charge Fees. Authority to charge fees originates from Chapter 61 and Chapter 62 of the Fairfax County Code and §2.2-3704 of the Code of Virginia.

Questions related to fee payments for billable services provided by the Office of the Fire Marshal should be directed to the Revenue & Records Branch at 703-246-4803.



  • Base Permit Fee: $122 (Fire Protection Equipment and Systems, Special Locking Arrangements, Fire Lanes, Fuel Storage Tanks)
  • Technology Fee: A 7% technology surcharge will apply to installation permits.

For permit applications and information about installation permits required by the Office of the Fire Marshal, visit the Installation Permit Requirements area of our website.



Plans Review Fees - All Plan Types, All Review Time

  • $180 per hour, per reviewer or $45 per quarter hour or part thereof, per reviewer

Fees are due upon completion of the plan review process. Question related to plan review fees should be directed to the Revenue & Records Branch at 703-246-4803. Questions related to the plans review process and review status should be directed to the Engineering Plans Review Branch at 703-246-4806.



Acceptance Testing and Inspection Fees. Fees are based on an hourly charge of $180 per hour calculated on the quarter hour or part thereof, per inspector. Fees for fire protection equipment and systems performance tests and inspections, other equipment and systems performance tests and inspections, occupancy or pre-occupancy inspections, fire lanes and required retesting or re-inspections shall be imposed at the rate of $180 per hour calculated on the quarter hour or part thereof, per required inspector. This fee requirement is found in Chapter 61 of the Fairfax County Code.

  • Regularly Scheduled Workdays, Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (Excluding Holidays) - $180 per hour, per inspector or $45 per quarter hour or part thereof, per inspector
  • After-hours/Overtime (Excluding Holidays) - $312 per hour, per inspector or $156 per half hour or part thereof, per inspector

Questions about acceptance testing and inspection fees should be directed to the Revenue & Records Branch at 703-246-4803.



Retesting of Existing Fire Protection Equipment and Systems. A re-inspection fee, based on hours reserved, shall be assessed when a scheduled test and re-inspection of existing fire protection equipment and systems is not cancelled more than 10 business days prior to the scheduled appointment. The re-inspection fee will be charged at the rate of $180 per hour calculated on the quarter hour or part thereof, per required inspector, and will be invoiced to the responsible company/party. This fee requirement is found in Section 901.6.3.1 of the Fire Prevention Code (as amended by Fairfax County).

Acceptance Tests. Re-inspection fees shall be based on the hours reserved to perform the test and will be charged at the rate of $180 per hour calculated on the quarter hour or part thereof, per required inspector. The following matrix is to serve as a guideline in determining when a re-inspection fee is required for acceptance testing and retesting. A minimum notice of 24 hours (one full business day) for test cancellation is required. This fee requirement is found in Chapter 61 of the Fairfax County Code


Inspection/Test Cancelled More Than 24 Hours Prior to Appointment * N/A No No
Inspection/Test Cancelled Less Than 24 Hours Prior to Appointment * N/A No Yes
Contractor Shows - Other Associated Companies/Trades Not on Site Cannot Start Inspection/Test No Yes
Inspector(s) Arrive - Nobody On Location to Facilitate Inspection/Test Cannot Start Inspection/Test No Yes
Inspection/Test Cancelled While Inspector(s) On Location - Test Not Started Not Ready to Inspect/Test No Yes
Regular Inspection/Test - Started But Not Completed Not Ready or Failed - Fault of Contractor Yes Yes
Regular Inspection/Test - Started But Not Completed Not Ready or Failed - No Fault of Contractor Yes Yes
Regular Inspection/Test - Started Substantially Compliant - Minor Deficiencies Yes Yes
Final Inspection Deficient Yes Yes

* 24 hours = 1 business day



  • Occupancy Inspections. Pre- and post-occupancy inspections in all use groups: $180 per hour, per inspector or $45 per quarter hour or part thereof, per inspector
  • State License Inspections. Fire safety inspections in State Regulated Care Facilities (SRCF): $29 per inspection
  • OFC Inspections. Fire safety inspections in Home Child Care Facilities: No Fee
  • Technical Inspections: All other inspections not specifically identified: $180 per hour, per inspector or $45 per quarter hour or part thereof, per inspector
  • Non-Compliance Inspections. Two or more follow-up inspections resulting from non-compliance: $180 per hour, per inspector or $45 per quarter hour or part thereof, per inspector
  • After-hours/Overtime (Excluding Holidays) - $312 per hour, per inspector or $156 per half hour or part thereof, per inspector



Faulty Fire Alarm Inspections, Follow-ups, and Reinspection. A faulty or nuisance alarm is deemed to occur whenever the fire official or fire department officer in charge responding to a fire alarm call shall determine, after investigation, that faulty equipment initiated the alarm. Whenever faulty or nuisance fire alarm activations occurring in any occupancy exceed 3 in a 90-day period, the fire official may require the owner or occupant to conduct a witnessed test of the fire protection system causing the faulty or nuisance alarm. Witnessed testing shall be in accordance with Section 901.6.3.1 of the Fire Prevention Code (as amended by Fairfax County). Inspection fees shall be as in Table 107.2 and Section 109.6 of the Fire Prevention Code (as amended by Fairfax County) - $180 per hour, per inspector or $45 per quarter hour or part thereof, per inspector.

Questions about faulty fire alarms and associated inspections/tests should be directed to the Fire Protection Systems Branch at 703-246-4821.



Section 108.1 of the Fire Prevention Code authorizes the Office of the Fire Marshal to require operational permits (i.e., Fire Prevention Code Permits) for activities, processes, and occupancies regulated by the Fire Prevention Code. Once issued, Fire Prevention Code Permits (FPCP) allow the permit applicant to (i) conduct activities involving the handling, storage, or use of substances, materials, or devices regulated by the Fire Prevention Code, (ii) conduct processes regulated by the Fire Prevention Code which produce conditions hazardous to life or property, (iii) and/or to establish a place of assembly. Operational permits are also issued for the closure of fuel storage tanks (i.e., remove or abandon in place).

In Fairfax County and the towns of Clifton, Herndon, and Vienna, operational permits are known as "Fire Prevention Code Permits" (FPCP). FPCP requirements originate from Table 107.2 of the Fire Prevention Code (as amended by Fairfax County). The full list of Fire Prevention Code Permits and fees is available.

For permit applications and information about operational permits required by the Office of the Fire Marshal, visit the Operational Permits and Inspections area of our website.



Fees for copies and/or research of any document and/or information available under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

  • Records Request Fees. A public body is permitted to make reasonable charges not to exceed the actual cost incurred in accessing, duplicating, supplying, or searching for the requested records. Example of charges may include staff research time, postage, and a per page copying fee of .13 cents (8 ½ x 11) and .14 cents (8 ½ x 14). Copying fees for large, oversized plans are outsourced and exact fees are passed onto the requestor. The requestor may be required to make a deposit if the estimate is over $200. Fees are non-refundable. For any check returned for non-sufficient funds (NSF), a $50 fee will be charged.

Questions related to obtaining information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) should be directed to the Revenue & Records Branch at 703-246-4803.



$29 Per chemical, to a maximum of $264.

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