Mobility and Transportation

Mobility and Transportation

Fairfax County is a place where all residents, businesses, visitors and goods can move efficiently, affordably and safely throughout the county and beyond via our well-designed and maintained network of roads, sidewalks, trails and transit options.

Indicators of Success:

  • Efficient and Varied Transportation Options
  • Infrastructure Condition, Sustainability and Environmental Impact
  • Improved Traveler Safety
  • Increased Accessibility, Affordability and Equity

Mobility and Transportation Dashboard

Data Dashboards are being developed for the ten Community Outcome Areas, each with headline metrics that are visually presented to easily review the data that will continuously inform the Countywide Strategic Plan.

The interactive dashboard below provides an overview of the six headline metrics for Mobility and Transportation and enables the reader to access more detailed data and a narrative for context and clarity. Headline metrics for the remaining outcome areas are in progress. Data will be reviewed regularly to assess trends, inequities, and alignment with the strategies included in the plan.


Additional Information

As a rapidly urbanizing community, the need to reduce traffic congestion and improve mobility is one of the greatest challenges facing Fairfax County. Residents and workers want a variety of ways to move around the community that are easily accessible, affordable, safe, and promote both healthy living and environmental stewardship. In addition, there is a greater focus on active transportation options that prioritize safe pedestrian access and bike-friendly facilities that are connected to mass transit.

The proposed strategies in this section seek to improve the condition and capacity of our current transportation systems, while also reducing reliance on single-occupancy vehicles and moving away from car-centric approaches to building communities and transportation infrastructure.

There are also strategies to continue to improve land-use planning that incentivize transit-oriented developments that support fewer car trips, healthier living and more connected and vibrant communities.

These proposed strategies were developed based on the extensive background work completed by the Countywide Strategic Planning Teams. The Board will determine which strategies will be pursued, as well as when they might be undertaken. This process will be highly flexible and will adapt to respond to community conditions as they evolve over time.

Efficient and Varied Transportation Options

  • MT 1. Promote further dense, transit-oriented and mixed-use development within existing urban areas and in other areas of the county, where appropriate, to allow residents and employees more opportunities to walk, bike and use transit, and reduce auto dependency, to meet their daily needs.
  • MT 2. Further develop and expand the multimodal network by a) increasing the number of routes and frequency of service connecting urban hubs and amenities, b) enhancing services on highly traveled corridors to reduce car volume in those corridors and c) improving pedestrian and bicycle access to transit services and activity centers.
  • MT 3. Revise the methodology of how transportation impacts are assessed by transitioning from the automobile-focused level of service methodology to a multi-modal approach.
  • MT 4. Educate, encourage and incentivize employers to continue to offer telecommuting options to their employees and use other transportation demand management opportunities to reduce peak-hour traffic and auto-dominated travel.
  • MT 5. Facilitate more active transportation (walking and biking) by adding, improving and maintaining sidewalks and shared-use paths; enhancing bike facilities throughout the county; addressing “first/last mile” challenges; and educating the community on how to increase their use of active transportation modes safely.
  • MT 6. Advocate for and implement policies that motivate people to reduce their use of single-occupancy vehicles, including transportation demand management (TDM), reducing minimum parking requirements, managing parking and roadway pricing, and other TDM financial and non-financial programs and policies.

Infrastructure Condition, Sustainability and Environmental Impact

  • MT 7. Explore a transfer of road ownership, design and maintenance responsibilities from the Virginia Department of Transportation to the county, with a corresponding transfer of revenue to accommodate the increased cost to the county.
  • MT 8. Prepare now for the gradual incorporation of autonomous vehicles and other innovative transportation technologies into Fairfax County transportation network and infrastructure, such as smart traffic lights, public transit apps, drop-off/pick-up curb space and changes in parking-related development requirements as a result of reduced parking demand.
  • MT 9. Create and retrofit more great places through quality street design that more equitably balances the goals of automobile throughput and the experience and comfort level of pedestrians, cyclists and transit riders.
  • MT 10. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis of transportation infrastructure costs and economic development impacts as part of future land use planning efforts.

Traveler Safety

  • MT 11. Develop and implement a multi-faceted plan to reduce and ultimately eliminate traffic-related deaths and injuries (e.g., Vision Zero) that includes, but not limited to, pedestrian-oriented street design, traffic-calming techniques, public education and enhanced enforcement.

Increased Accessibility, Affordability and Equity

  • MT 12. Update the transportation element of the County’s Comprehensive Plan with a strong focus on transit, pedestrian and bicycle connectedness.
  • MT 13. Prioritize safe, healthy, accessible transportation options for all with a focus on equitable access for residents facing economic, health, housing and other challenges.


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