Fairfax County is a place where all residents, businesses, visitors and goods can move efficiently, affordably and safely throughout the county and beyond via our well-designed and maintained network of roads, sidewalks, trails and transit options.
Indicators of Success:
Data Dashboards are being developed for the ten Community Outcome Areas, each with headline metrics that are visually presented to easily review the data that will continuously inform the Countywide Strategic Plan.
The interactive dashboard below provides an overview of the six headline metrics for Mobility and Transportation and enables the reader to access more detailed data and a narrative for context and clarity. Headline metrics for the remaining outcome areas are in progress. Data will be reviewed regularly to assess trends, inequities, and alignment with the strategies included in the plan.
Each of the ten community outcome areas will have its own dashboard that highlights headline metrics. These metrics will inform and guide community leaders, practitioners and advocates in making data driven decisions. To help the community understand and navigate the dashboard, a tutorial video has been created using Healthy Communities as an example.
As a rapidly urbanizing community, the need to reduce traffic congestion and improve mobility is one of the greatest challenges facing Fairfax County. Residents and workers want a variety of ways to move around the community that are easily accessible, affordable, safe, and promote both healthy living and environmental stewardship. In addition, there is a greater focus on active transportation options that prioritize safe pedestrian access and bike-friendly facilities that are connected to mass transit.
The proposed strategies in this section seek to improve the condition and capacity of our current transportation systems, while also reducing reliance on single-occupancy vehicles and moving away from car-centric approaches to building communities and transportation infrastructure.
There are also strategies to continue to improve land-use planning that incentivize transit-oriented developments that support fewer car trips, healthier living and more connected and vibrant communities.
These proposed strategies were developed based on the extensive background work completed by the Countywide Strategic Planning Teams. The Board will determine which strategies will be pursued, as well as when they might be undertaken. This process will be highly flexible and will adapt to respond to community conditions as they evolve over time.
Efficient and Varied Transportation Options
Infrastructure Condition, Sustainability and Environmental Impact
Traveler Safety
Increased Accessibility, Affordability and Equity