Park Authority Permits

703-324-8516 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Pkwy.
Fairfax, Virginia 22035
Britta Stratford
Central Services Coordinator

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Park Use Permits

Application Process: Application for a Fairfax County Park Authority Permit must be submitted no less than thirty (30) working days prior to the event.

  • Any permit application must be approved before a permit will be provided and advertisement for the event can take place. 
  • If an application is submitted less than 29 business days, but a minimum of 10 business days before the event date, a $25 late charge will be applied. This is in addition to any other applicable fees.
  • With 10 business days or less notice before the event date (or 1st date on permit), a group is not eligible to receive a permit.
  • Late applications may be denied if FCPA determines that there is insufficient preparation time for any aspect of the event. The applicant is not charged if the event is not approved.
  • The late charge will be assessed based on the date of request, not the date of approval.
  • Late application charge will not be applied to First Amendment Special Permit Applications.

Applications for events that include the use of amplified sound systems must be submitted at least forty–five (45) working days prior to the event date. Applications for large capacity events must be submitted ninety (90) working days prior to the event date.

What would you like to do?

You must apply for a Business Activity License if you would like to hold any activity that uses Park Authority Property for the purpose of generating revenue, including but not limited to: selling items, collecting fees for an event, requesting/soliciting donations, holding classes or camps. If you are planning on having a race, please submit a race route with your application. Please use the Park Use Application.


  • A financial statement will be provided with your permit and must be completed and returned to the Park Authority with the balance due one month after your event (or monthly for long term usage).
  • All vendors are responsible for collecting and paying applicable state sales tax and applying for other required permits with the county or state.


Business Activity License Fees: $75 or 15% of gross revenue, whichever is greater. The $75 minimum deposit must be submitted at the time of application. One application and fee due per park.

Group Walk/Run/Trail Use Fees: 25-99 people – $ 50, 100-249 people – $100, 250-499 people – $200. Group Walk/Run/Trail Use fees apply to an activity on trails, parts of trails, or park paths, whether or not the event begins or ends on park property. These fees are not charged for school cross country practices, but are applicable to all cross country meets held on park property. These fees are in addition to any other applicable fees.

To learn more and apply for a permit, visit Large Special Application

One application and fee due per park, regardless of the number of features requested from the list below. Please use the Park Use Application.


  • Features such as a moon bounce, dunk tank, carnival rides, or pony rides, etc. at an event on Park Authority property, regardless of the size of the group.
  • Any gathering of more than 75 persons upon property, or 25 persons upon trails. Or “public gathering”, such as a demonstration, picketing, speech making, vigils, parades, ceremonies, meetings, rallies, entertainment, games, shows, concerts, and all other forms of public assembly.
  • An organized activity in any natural area on Park Authority property, regardless of group size. Supplemental form for use of a natural area may be required.

Fees: $25 per application fee must be submitted at the time of application.

Group Walk/Run/Trail Use Fees: 25-99 people – $50, 100-249 people – $100, 250-499 people – $200. Group Walk/Run/Trail Use fees apply to an activity on trails, parts of trails, or park paths, whether or not the event begins or ends on park property. These fees are not charged for school cross country practices, but are applicable to all cross country meets held on park property. These fees are in addition to any other applicable fees.

Use of alcohol in Fairfax County parks without appropriate permits and approved agreements is AGAINST the law. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in all parks and recreation areas unless the sale, use, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages on Park Authority property are part of a Park Authority program or an approved use in accordance with a permit issued by the Park Authority and implemented in strict accordance with the Virginia Alcoholic Beverages Control Act. For more information and application please visit the Alcohol FAQ web page.

Athletic fields may be reserved only for the sport for which they were designed. Please use the Park Use Application.


  • An hourly rental fee is required in order to receive a permit.
  • Athletic fields can be requested using this application for rental times Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (except holidays) and for any for-profit use. For use outside of these times for non-profit groups, please call 703-324-5533 or visit Athletic Services and Community Use Scheduling.

Fees: $50/hour for grass field, $100/hour for synthetic field, additional $25/hour if lights are needed.

  • Space is available for Sports Camps and Clinics Monday – Friday, 8am – 4:30pm. If your request is outside of these times, please fill out a Park Use Application.
  • A current Certificate of General Liability insurance coverage listing the ‘Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, Fairfax County Park Authority and its officers, employees, and volunteers’ as "additional insured" on the policy will be required.


Fees: $50/hour for grass field, $100/hour for synthetic field, additional $25/hour if lights are needed.

  • Permits are issued for long-term individual (minimum of 3 hours rented per application), business use, groups, or tournaments only). Please use the Park Use Application

Fees: Group/long term: $15 per court/hour. For Profit Use: $20 per court/hour (all park locations with courts)

All commercial photographers conducting business on FCPA property or in FCPA facilities must obtain a photography permit and submit appropriate fees in advance. To learn more and apply for a permit, visit Commercial Photography in the Parks.

Are you a food vendor? Connect with locals and visitors in select Fairfax County parks. Enhance the experience of county residents by selling specialty food items, providing affordable menu selections and offering premium customer service. Explore more about what it takes to become a vendor or about which vendors are permitted to conduct sales in Fairfax County Parks at Park Authority Mobile Food Vending.

The Park Authority offers several locations where picnic areas, shelters, or amphitheaters can be reserved. For more information about scheduling one of these locations, visit Park Authority Picnics. If the park you wish to use for your picnic is NOT at one of our "reservable" sites, you must obtain a Park Use Permit or use the space on a first come, first served basis.

Fees: $350 per day. Nonprofit commercial use fee is $100 per day. There is an additional $35/hour fee per FCPA staff member required to work during the shoot.

Note: All professional videographers conducting business on FCPA property or in FCPA facilities must obtain a commercial use permit and submit appropriate fees in advance. To learn more and apply for a permit, visit Commercial Use - Filming in Fairfax County Parks.

The Fairfax County Farmers Market vendor selection process is competitive, based on each market's individual needs.  Not all vendors that apply will receive a space at FCFMs. Spaces for baked goods vendors and conventional farmers are particularly competitive. This is especially true for our Saturday markets Reston and Burke. We do not allow any mid-season entry or drop ins. For more information on becoming a vendor, visit Farmers Markets Vending Information.


Important things to know before you apply:

  • Use of alcohol in Fairfax County parks without appropriate permits and approved agreements is against the law.
  • An approved Fairfax County Park Authority permit reserves only the portion of the park indicated on the specific permit.
  • Fairfax County Park Authority reserves the right to terminate a permit if the group’s use conflicts with other park users or activities; if the group event exceeds the scope for which the permit was issued; if the group does not comply with all Park Authority rules, policies and regulations; or for any other due cause.
  • Non-reserved areas and facilities are available on a first-come, first served basis. Basketball courts on Fairfax County Property are not reservable.
  • The park must remain open for use by the general public.
  • Park users must adhere to all park rules and regulations. Park rules can be found here. Additional information regarding park regulations can be found in the section of the Fairfax County Park Authority Policy Manual
  • Permits are issued to adult applicants who will be responsible for supervising the entire event, and will be held responsible for any damage to park property or any injury to any party which results from inadequate supervision or carelessness.
  • Group must indicate on the application specific location and method for posting signs. All signage must be approved in advance and must be removed at the end of the event.  Signage may not be nailed, stapled, etc. to trees, signs, or buildings.
  • Site must be vacated by the time specified on the permit.
  • Entrance fees for non-county residents apply at Burke Lake Park on weekends and holidays from the end of April through the end of September.  Visit Burke Lake Park
  • Fairfax County Park Authority does not provide security. Large events may require police presence at the permitted group’s expense.
  • Parking must be restricted to defined parking lots, unless otherwise indicated on the permit.
  • Amusement Features such as moon bounces, carnival rides, etc., require a Park Use Permit. If approved, the amusement feature must also be inspected by the Fairfax County Fire Marshal’s office.  Check Guidelines
  • Use of tents exceeding 900 square feet and/or to be occupied by more than 50 people will require a Fire Prevention Code Permit from the Fire Marshal's office. Tent Permit Guidelines
  • Raffles or Bingo is limited to non-profit groups.  Non-profit groups wishing to hold a raffle or bingo game must contact the Commonwealth of Virginia Charitable Gaming Business Activity License at 804- 371-0495 to obtain information about obtaining a permit

Cancellation or refund of a Permit:

  • Business Activity and Park Use application fees are non-refundable.
  • Synthetic fields and sport courts are closed when frozen solid, covered with ice or snow, saturated with water or during electrical storms. A refund of the rental fee(s) of the area will only be given if one of these conditions exists during the rental period.  
  • Rescheduling of fields and sport courts due to inclement weather must be requested and approved in writing. For cancellations due to inclement weather, email no later than the next business day to receive a refund/credit for rental fee(s). Your email must include your group's name, the park site, area of park and time of reservation.
  • Visit the FCPA Field Status Page or call Field Closure Hotline 703-324-5264 to find out about closings Monday-Friday.

Changes to a Permit:

  • An approved change to an existing permit will be granted with a minimum of 10 working days’ notice for a $25 fee.
  • Any change to an issued permit must be approved before a new permit will be provided. The change fee will be assessed based on the date of request, not the date of approval.
  • With 10 working days or less before the event date (or 1st date on permit), a group is not eligible to receive a change in date, time, or location for an issued permit.

Questions about permits should be directed to

Completed Applications should be sent to:

  • FCPA - Park Services Division – Central Customer Services
    12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 927 Fairfax, VA 22035
  • Or fax to 703-653-7012
  • Or email to
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