Task Force on the Future of Lake Accotink

On May 23, 2023, the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved Supervisor James Walkinshaw’s motion to create a Task Force on the Future of Lake Accotink.  Chairman Jeff McKay and Supervisor Rodney Lusk were cosponsors of the motion.  Read Supervisor Walkinshaw’s full Board Matter.

For questions or more information contact us: LATF@fairfaxcounty.gov.

Task Force Meeting/Materials Archive

Subcommittee Meeting Schedule & Archive

Chaired by John Cook
Revised November 25, 2023
Past Meetings

Co-Chaired by Gail Nittle and Allan Robertson
The next meeting is Monday, November 13 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in the Conference Room at Kings Park Library (9000 Burke Lake Road, Burke)
Past Meetings

Chaired by Sandy Collins
The next meeting is Monday, November 13 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at America's Adopt-A-Soldier (6744 Gravel Avenue, Alexandria)
Remaining meetings: November 20
Past Meetings

About the Task Force

Name Organization
Sharon Bulova  Individual (Chair)
Vicki Arnold Individual
Ken Balbuena North Springfield Civic Association
Annie Ball Sierra Club - Great Falls
Matt Bright Earth Sangha
Bryan Campbell Friends of Long Branch Stream Valley
Karen Campblin Fairfax NAACP
Sandy Collins Friends of Accotink Creek
John Cook Individual
Mary Cortina Planning Commission
Michael Deloose West Springfield Civic Association
Cathy Field North Springfield Civic Association
Charlotte Hannagan Kings Park Civic Association
James Heo Mount Vernon Springfield Chamber of Commerce (COC)
Diane Hoffman Braddock District Land Use and Environment Committee
Chris Jones GMU - Potomac Environmental Research & Education Center
Mary Keeser Friends of Lake Accotink Park (FLAP)
David Kepley Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions
Stella Koch Environmental Quality Advisory Council
Jakelin Lake Individual
Chris Landgraf Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC)
Marta Morrisey Franconia District Land Use Committee
Gail Nittle Springfield Civic Association
Allan Robertson Save Lake Accotink (SLA)
Ernest Rodriguez Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts
Hasan Shah Individual
Martin (Shep) Shepherd Ravensworth Farm Civic Association
Evelyn Spain Planning Commission
Kiel Stone Park Authority Board
Meghan Walker Danbury Forest Civic Association
The Honorable Vivian Watts Virginia House of Delegates (39th District)
Steven Yannucci Individual


  • Leeann Alberts - Kings Park Civic Association
  • Gary Bangs - Friends of Accotink Creek
  • Renee Grebe - Environmental Quality Advisory Council
  • Richard Hildebrand - Save Lake Accotink

Lake Accotink Park is one of Fairfax County’s most beloved resources.  Its 476.2 acres of natural resources, trails, picnic areas, and waterfront activities draw hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.

The 55-acre Lake Accotink, a manmade reservoir originally built by the U.S. Army, is a key feature of the park.  However, it has required regular dredging to remove sediment and prevent it from returning to its natural state.

Detailed analysis has led Fairfax County staff to recommend that Lake Accotink not be dredged because of the significant cost and challenges in processing and disposing of the sediment.  Instead, staff’s recommendation is to restart the Park Authority’s Master Planning process with an emphasis on developing a sustainable vision for the lake and park.

This Task Force has been established in response to Fairfax County staff’s recommendation that Lake Accotink not be dredged.

  • The Task Force shall review and consider that recommendation, ensuring that all options have been considered to preserve Lake Accotink in the most sustainable, equitable and cost-effective manner.
  • The Task Force will also explore and consider options other than traditional dredging for the future of Lake Accotink, including options for a managed wetland and/or hybrid options for managed wetlands with a smaller open water feature.
  • The Task Force will develop findings on these matters and submit them to the Board of Supervisors to inform the Board's decision regarding the future of Lake Accotink.
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