All residential appellants receive a letter, usually the first week of July.
You will receive your case material from the Board of Equalization (BOE) with a request that you call the office within two weeks to schedule your hearing.
You must call the office at 703-324-4891, otherwise a hearing date will be scheduled for you and you will be notified in writing of the date and time of the hearing. The notification will be approximately one week prior to the hearing.
In extreme circumstances, a case may be rescheduled at the discretion of the BOE.
If you are going to be away for more than one week, call the BOE Administrative Clerk at 703-324-4891 and advise her of the dates you will be unavailable after July 1.
You may authorize a representative to present on your behalf, but they must possess a signed, notarized statement from you. If no one appears, your case will be heard in absentia and presented based upon the written documents you have provided.
You may not send letters or comments to the board members to be read in your absence.
No additional material may be added once your case has been submitted, nor can you present any additional written documents at the hearing.
It is important that you contact BOTH the Department of Tax Administration (DTA) (703-222-8234 or and the Board of Equalization (703-324-4891) to inform them of any change in mailing address and/or phone number. If we are unable to reach you, your case will be scheduled in absentia and presented based upon the written documents you have provided.
The Board continues to meet until all cases have been heard for the current tax year. Generally, hearings are completed by December 30.
You must pay all taxes on time or you will be charged penalty and interest for late payment. First installment tax bills are mailed by June 30 and due on July 28. Second installment bills are mailed by November 5 and due on December 5.
If you agree with the revised assessment, you must fax or mail in a withdrawal document to the BOE. If it is received prior to October 15, a tax credit will be reflected in your second installment bill. If your taxes are paid in full, you will receive a refund check approximately 6 weeks following your hearing date. If you have questions about the tax bill, call 703-222-8234.
See the Notice of Meetings.