How are these rules enforced?
During the seasonal reporting period (Apr. - Oct.), DCC accepts reports and complaints of tall grass throughout the County. Grass Inspectors will visit the property and measure the height and document their findings.
Residential properties less than one-half acre and vacant commercial/industrial properties found in violation will be issued a Notice of Violation (NOV).
If an owner cuts the grass, then the case is closed. If the grass isn’t cut, a County contractor will be directed to cut the grass. The property owner will be charged for the service.
For residential properties over one-half acre, DCC sends an informational warning letter asking for the grass to be cut, but no violation can be issued.
Anything else to know?
Rules for grass height don’t apply to certain types of property or features. Such exemptions include detention ponds; rights-of-way through residential, commercial, and industrial properties; park lands; and conservation and scenic easements approved by Fairfax County.
DCC can only enforce the ordinance on properties that are accessible. In some situations, the property owner may be found in violation, but because of constitutional protections, we will not conduct a cutting (e.g. behind closed gates in rear yards, etc.).
Wondering how large your lot is? Information on how to access this information and more about your property can be found on the county’s map website.