Code Compliance

CONTACT INFORMATION: Code Compliance is open 8AM - 4PM Mon-Thurs and 9:15AM - 4PM Fridays.
703-324-1300 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 1016
Fairfax, VA 22035
Gabriel M. Zakkak

Signs: Information & Complaints

Signs on Roads & Medians

Fairfax County removes illegal signs from over 99 selected major roads throughout the county under the Illegal Sign Removal Program.

State law prohibits the posting of signs on state rights-of-way with limited exceptions. Signs may not be posted on any rock, stone, tree, fence stump, pole, mile-board, milestone, danger-sign, guide-sign, guidepost, highway sign, historical marker, building or other object lawfully within the limits of any highway.

Traffic/Street/Pipestem Signs

Because roads are owned and maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation, this state agency is responsible for taking care of traffic signs and signals. To report problems, call 1-800-FOR-ROAD (367-7623), TTY 711, or use the VDOT work request form.

However, street name signs are maintained by the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services' sign shop. Call 703-877-2800, TTY 711, to report problems.



Article 7 of the Zoning Ordinance regulates signs on private property. Additional information is available from the Department of Planning and Development.

The Department of Code Compliance (DCC) accepts complaints about potential violations of the zoning regulations for signs on private property. Information on how to submit a complaint to DCC.

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