New Land Use and Development Data Released on Reston Snapshots

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Fairfax County’s online platform for tracking Reston land use and development trends is being updated with new 2023 data and a new name. Formerly known as the Reston Data Visualization project, the GIS-based platform is now called Reston Snapshots. It provides the public with a transparent view of transportation, land use, urban parks and zoning data in the Reston Transit Station Areas (TSAs) through story maps and interactive maps supported by narrative descriptions, tables, graphs and images.

Reston Snapshots features data organized into the following four hubs:

  • The Land Use Hub makes its debut with a high-level overview of the Comprehensive Plan vision, potential land uses, existing land uses and entitled development within the Reston TSAs since February 2014.
  • The Transportation Hub presents monitoring reports on vehicular traffic, transit usage, pedestrian activity, bicyclist activity and bikeshare usage; implementation updates on proffered improvements; and capital projects within Reston with a focus on the TSAs.
  • The Urban Parks Hub presents the urban park vision per the Comprehensive Plan and information on urban parks and athletic fields associated with redevelopment in the Reston TSAs. It features details on proffered and constructed urban parks within the Reston TSAs since February 2014.
  • The Zoning Activity Hub illustrates the approved and under review zoning applications within the Reston TSAs since February 2014 with a supporting description of the overall application, a list of subsequent/related zoning applications, application specific links to PLUS and the status of each.

The goal of Reston Snapshots is to share TSA data connecting the Comprehensive Plan’s planning principles and guidance to the evolution of transit-oriented neighborhoods featuring pedestrian activities and connections that are safe, comfortable, engaging and attractive. Periodic updates to Reston Snapshots will allow the community to see approved zoning cases, transportation monitoring and implementation activity.

The first Reston hub – Transportation – was established in January 2021. Reston Snapshots is a collaborative effort of the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) in coordination with the Department of Transportation and Park Authority.

For questions about Reston Snapshots, contact DPD's Urban Centers Section at

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