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Our Police Department responds to an average of more than 6,200 automobile accidents each year, and many of them involve pedestrians. In the past month alone, there have been several pedestrian accidents on county roads, including five fatalities. Pedestrian safety is a Fairfax County priority, and there are things we can all do to help protect everyone on the road.
Take a Moment
Whether you are walking, biking or driving, keep in mind that safety is a two-way street and is everyone’s job. If we all take a moment and consider safety, we hope to reduce the number of pedestrian accidents in Fairfax County.
For Drivers:
- Slow Down. Do not driver faster than the posted speed limit on any road.
- Stay Alert. Do not text and drive and avoid distractions when driving
- Be Patient. Stop for pedestrians in crosswalks and look for them in the street.
- Stop and Wait. Virginia law requires drivers to stop (not just yield) to pedestrians in marked and unmarked crosswalks until the pedestrian has cleared the lane.
- Share the Road. Stay at least three feet away from cyclists and pedestrians when passing.
For Pedestrians:
- Be Alert. If you need to cross the road, take a moment to look left and right for any oncoming traffic.
- Cross Safely. Look for the closest place to cross safely. Try to use a marked crosswalk if available. If no crosswalk is available, cross at a location with good sightlines in both directions.
- Wait to Cross. If a vehicle is stopped in front of you, take a moment to cross until you can make eye contact with the driver.
- Be Seen. Wear bright clothing or use your phone’s flashlight when walking in the dark to increase your vision and visibility.
For Bicyclists:
- Ride Smart. When riding on a street, you have the same rights and responsibilities as drivers, Ride with traffic and obey traffic rules, signals and stop signs. Stay as close to the right edge of the road as possible.
- Cross with Caution. Always be ready to yield. Take a moment to slow down, stop or give the right of way to avoid a collision.
- Signal Intent. Make eye contact with other road users to ensure they see you before moving into their line of travel. When eye contact fails, try waving an arm, yelling or ringing a bell to get a driver’s attention.
- Be Seen. Be visible at night, twilight and in rainy conditions. Use lights and reflectors.