Fairfax County Police Department

CONTACT INFORMATION: 24/7 Emergency Response; Office and Program Hours Vary
703-691-2131 TTY 711 (Non-Emergency)
12099 Government Center Parkway
Fairfax, VA 22035
Kevin Davis
Chief of Police


  • An allegation of an act or omission which, if proven true, would amount to employee misconduct
  • An expression of dissatisfaction with a policy, practice, procedure, philosophy, service level, or legal standard of the police department

  • A police supervisor will contact you about your complaint
  • Your complaint will be assigned to the appropriate supervisor for investigation
  • Your complaint may remain with the employee’s immediate supervisor; be sent up the chain of command, or forwarded to Internal Affairs, depending on the severity of the situation

No. We will accept anonymous complaints or compliments from individuals and  third party observers.

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