Fairfax Food Council

703-246-8404 TTY 711
10777 Main Street, Suite 325
Fairfax, VA 22030
Diane Charles
Project Manager

Fairfax Food Council Events and News

Food Council Events and Meetings

Work Group and Steering Task Force meetings are open to the public. All meetings are virtual until further notice (unless otherwise noted). Please email FairfaxFoodCouncil@fairfaxcounty.gov to RSVP for an upcoming meeting or for more information.

Upcoming Events


10:00AM, Join the Policy Task Force for a virtual meeting. Interested in…

10:00AM, Join the Urban Agriculture Work Group for a virtual meeting.…

10:30AM, Join the Food Access & Literacy Work Group for a virtual meeting…

10:00AM, Join the Urban Agriculture Work Group for a virtual meeting.…

Meeting Dates and Documents

Click the link for past meeting notes. 

Food Access & Literacy Work Group

All meetings scheduled 10:30 – 11:30 am

January 22 | February 26 | March 26 | April 23 | May 28

Urban Agriculture Work Group

All meetings scheduled 10:00 – 11:00 am

January 27 | February 24 | March 17 | April 21 | May 19

Policy Task Force

All meetings scheduled 10:00 – 11:00 am

January 21 | February 18 | March 18 | April 15 | May 20

Click the link for past meeting notes. 

Food Access & Literacy Work Group

January 31 | February 28 | March 27 | April 24 | May 29 | June 26 | July 24 | August 28 | September 25 | November 20

Urban Agriculture Work Group

January 22 | February 26 | March 18 | April 15 | May 20 | June 17 | July 15 | August 19 | September 16 | November 18

Policy Task Force

January 21 | February 20 | March 19 | April 16 | May 21 | June 18 | July 16 | August 20 | September 17 | November 19 | December 17

News and Updates from the Fairfax Food Council

Food Council News

October 31, 2024
The Fairfax Food Council’s cross-pollination meeting was a success! With over 55 attendees, this special event brought together the Urban Agriculture Work Group and the Food Access & Literacy Work Group to delve into the important topic of food waste diversion. Attendees heard from the following panel of experts: 

Food Council Newsletter

Read the newsletter from the Fairfax Food Council for updates about urban gardening, food access, and food literacy as well as activities and resources from around Fairfax County.

Click the link and select Food Council Newsletter in the Health and Human Services section.

Fairfax Virtual Assistant