Reston Data Visualization Project Zoning Activity Hub Now Online

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Zoning Hub


The Zoning Activity Hub of Fairfax County’s Reston Data Visualization project is now available. It allows you to access the latest information about zoning applications in the Reston Transit Station Areas (TSAs). The online, interactive Zoning Activity Hub features approved and proposed zoning applications within the Reston TSAs as of February 2014. Each application on the Zoning Activity Hub includes:

  • A current development plan image
  • Applicant name
  • Application status
  • Project description
  • Links to more information

The Zoning Activity Hub is one component of the Reston Data Visualization project, created by the Department of Planning and Development (DPD). Led by DPD’s Urban Centers Section and GIS Department, the project is the first of its kind for Fairfax County. It focuses on enhancing data transparency associated with Reston development and infrastructure improvements, including information about mobility, parks, and zoning activity.

The Reston Data Visualization project already includes the Transportation Hub launched in January and will feature an Urban Parks Hub that is expected to launch in the coming months.

The main Reston Data Visualization page, the Reston Zoning Activity Hub and the Reston Transportation Data Hub are available onlineFor questions, contact the Department of Planning and Development’s Urban Centers Section at

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