The Zoning Ordinance has been updated to include the following amendments:
Contractor’s Office and Shop, Construction Vehicles and Equipment, and Storage Yards amendment established new definitions and revised standards for commercial equipment and light/heavy vehicles and equipment. This amendment also revised standards and permissions for Contractor's Office and Shop, Garden Center, and Storage Yard - adopted on December 3, 2024, effective December 4, 2024.
Accessible Parking amendment established minimum accessible parking requirements - adopted on December 3, 2024, effective December 4, 2024.
Should you have any questions regarding the Zoning Ordinance, please contact the Ordinance Administration Branch of the Zoning Administration Division at 703-324-1314, TTY 711 and ask to speak with the Planner of the Day.
Proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments are actively researched and evaluated by staff to develop a proposal for updates to the Zoning Ordinance. The amendments are then authorized for public hearings before the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.
The Zoning Ordinance Work Program (ZOWP) or Work Program is adopted by the Board of Supervisors annually and establishes the priorities and timing for the development of amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. The amendment requests originate from the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, citizens, industry representatives, and county staff.
When an amendment from the Zoning Ordinance Amendment Work Program is being considered, a series of outreach efforts begins following the initial staff research stage.
To determine the Zoning District of your property, please use the Zoning District Analyzer interactive map. After determining the Zoning District of the property the user can determine what specific uses are allowed in this district and other information regarding the district classification and it's requirements in the Zoning Ordinance.
To receive periodic announcements about the Zoning Ordinance, zoning amendments, and other zoning administration topics, subscribe to the Zoning Ordinance Information and Amendments e-mail list.