The Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) is required by state law to be used as a guide to decision-making about the natural and built environment by the county’s Board of Supervisors, and others such as the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. It is also a guide for county staff and the public to use in the planning process. The Comprehensive Plan consists of the Policy Plan, four Area Plan volumes, and a Plan Map. The Policy Plan volume includes general countywide policy on land use, transportation, housing, the environment, heritage resources, economic development, and public facilities, including public parks, recreation and trails. The Area Plans contain detailed long-range planning recommendations organized by geographic areas of the county. The Plan recommends how land should be used, but not when development will occur. The Plan Map illustrates the recommended land use, but must be used with the Plan books to fully understand what is planned.
Department of Planning and Development Alert: