Board of Supervisors Budget Committee (April 2, 2019)
1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Conference Room 11
- Human Services Council Presentation and Letter (30 minutes)
Steven Bloom, Chair, Human Services Council
Jeff Dannick, Chair, Human Services Council Budget Committee - Capital Improvement Program (20 minutes)
Joe Mondoro, Chief Financial Officer
Martha Reed, Capital Coordinator, Department of Management and Budget
Joe LaHait, Debt Coordinator, Department of Management and Budget - FY 2019 Third Quarter Review, including Consideration Items (5 minutes)
Joe Mondoro, Chief Financial Officer - Metro Update (20 minutes)
Tom Biesiadny, Director, Department of Transportation (DOT)
Todd Wigglesworth, Chief, Coordination and Funding Division, DOT - Economic Development Support Fund (EDSF) Overview and Project Review: (15 minutes)
Go Virginia: Cyber and Tech Veteran and Spouses Program
Scott Sizer, P3/Joint-Ventures Policy Coordinator, Office of the County Executive
Joe LaHait, Debt Coordinator, Department of Management and Budget
The Information Technology Policy Advisory Committee (ITPAC) letter is also provided for the Board's information.
The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for April 26, 2019, at 9:30am in Conference Room 11 in the Government Center to discuss the Board's mark-up of the FY 2020 Advertised Budget Plan.