The County Executive submitted the FY 2005 Carryover Review package to the Board of Supervisors for their consideration on August 1, 2005. Final action on the FY 2005 Carryover package will be taken by the Board of Supervisors on September 12, 2005.
Attachment A: Notice
Attachment B: County Executive Memo to Board of Supervisors
Attachment I:Schedules
- General Fund Statement
- General Fund Expenditures by Agency
- Summary of Appropriated Funds Expenditures
- Summary of Non-Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Attachment II:Summary of General Fund Receipts
Attachment III: Summary of Significant General Fund Expenditure Variances
Attachment IV: Explanation of General Fund Unencumbered
Attachment V: Explanation of Other Funds Unencumbered
Attachment VI: Federal/State Grant Fund
Attachment VII: Other Funds Detail
Attachment VIII: Supplemental Appropriation Resolution (SAR) and Fiscal Planning Resolution (FPR)
Attachment IX: Fund Statements and Summary of Capital Projects