For Immediate Release
August 17, 2020
Fairfax Connector, the largest local bus system in the Commonwealth of Virginia, will resume full service on all routes starting Saturday, August 29, 2020, with service enhancements including a new commuter route from the Stringfellow Road Park and Ride lot to Southwest Washington, D.C., launching simultaneously. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Fairfax Connector maintained approximately 70 percent of its service to ensure customers dependent on transit had access to essential jobs and vital services and could practice social distancing on Fairfax Connector buses.
"We appreciate the patience and flexibility of Fairfax Connector customers who quickly adapted to the many changes required for safe travel during the ongoing pandemic,” said Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jeffrey C. McKay. “We also extend our sincerest thanks to the 650 operators and maintenance workers who kept our transit system running to serve residents who rely on Fairfax Connecter, even in a time of crisis,” Chairman McKay continued. “As we return to full service, the health and safety of Fairfax Connector passengers and personnel continues to be our top priority. Working together to diligently follow public health and safety guidelines will result in safer travel conditions for all."
Returning to Full Service - Safety of Passengers and Operators Comes First
Enhanced Cleaning Protocols and Training of Operators
To ensure a safer environment for both passengers and operators aboard Fairfax Connector buses, Fairfax Connector operations contractor Transdev will continue to:
- Follow cleaning and disinfecting guidance from public health officials.
- Enhance vehicle cleaning and disinfecting cycles on bus interiors and critical touch points, such as door handles, handrails and other surfaces.
- Keep employees informed about the disease and guidance to prevent the spread of illness.
Rear Door Entry and Exit Required
**All routes continue to be FREE until further notice**
- Fairfax Connector customers will continue to be required to enter and exit the bus using the rear doors (this does not apply to customers who need to use a wheelchair ramp.)
- While rear door entry is required, no fares will be collected, and all routes continue to be free.
Wearing a Face Covering on the Bus is Mandatory
**Face coverings available for those without one (while supplies last)**
- Per Governor Ralph Northam’s Executive Order, wearing a face covering on Fairfax Connector buses will continue to be mandatory to protect the health and safety of both passengers and operators. For instructions for how to make your own face covering, visit the CDC’s face coverings webpage.
- Since May 2020, Fairfax Connector staff have distributed more than 15,000 face coverings to passengers and will continue to have them on-hand for those without one (while supplies last).
Practice Social Distancing and Follow Public Health Guidelines
Fairfax Connector passengers are reminded that the most effective way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to follow these recommendations from public health officials:
- Practice social distancing (keep six feet apart when possible).
- Stay home while you are sick and avoid close contact with others.
- Wash hands often with soap and water. If not available, use hand sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
- Cover your mouth/nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid contact with people who are sick.
New and Enhanced Service Effective August. 29, 2020
Route 697 **NEW SERVICE**
New weekday express route providing service between the Stringfellow Road Park and Ride lot and Southwest Washington, D.C. (D St., SW near L'Enfant Plaza). The route features 10 morning trips to downtown Washington, D.C. and 10 afternoon trips to the Stringfellow Road Park and Ride lot. This route is supported by the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC) Commuter Choice Program and I-66 toll revenues.
Enhanced service on this route includes two additional morning and afternoon rush hour trips from the Fairfax County Government Center to Downtown Washington, D.C. (Foggy Bottom); adjustments to the departure times to better align with rider demand; and morning and afternoon rush hour reverse commute trips from Downtown, Washington, D.C., to the Fairfax County Government Center. This route is supported by the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC) Commuter Choice Program and I-66 toll revenues.
Enhanced weekday service operating every 30 minutes during rush hour and every hour during non-rush hour to better serve the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) facility in Springfield by way of Springfield Center Drive and Metropolitan Center Drive with access to the Franconia Springfield Metrorail Station, the Defense Logistics Agency, and the Army Museum.
Routes 340/341 **ENHANCED SERVICE**
Minor route adjustments to maintain efficiency and dependability.
Stay Connected with Fairfax Connector
- To receive notifications for your bus route, sign up for BusTracker email or text alerts
- Visit
- Call 703-339-7200, TTY 703-339-1608 (Mon.-Fri., 5 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sat.-Sun., 7 a.m.- 9 p.m.)
- Email us at
- Follow us on Twitter & Facebook
- Visit a Connector Transit Store
Ways to Stay Informed About COVID-19
- Call the Health Department Call Center at 703-267-3511 with Coronavirus questions M-F: 9 a.m.-7 p.m. and Sat-Sun: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Text FFXCOVID to 888777 to receive updates from Fairfax County about COVID-19; text FFXCOVIDESP to 888777 for updates in Spanish.
- Email questions or concerns to This email account is staffed M-F: 8 a.m.- 6 p.m.
- Visit the county’s coronavirus web portal for information; it serves as a one-stop online resource for information.
- Learn more about COVID-19 on the Health Department Coronavirus (COVID-19) Webpage or FAQ page).
- Follow the Fairfax County Government Facebook Page ( and Health Department Facebook Page(
- Follow @fairfaxcounty and @fairfaxhealth on Twitter.