Board of Supervisors - Dranesville District
Board of Supervisors - Dranesville District Alert:
Dranesville District Staff
Supervisor Bierman's office staff responsibilities are summarized below. If you are unsure where your question or concern falls, please do not hesitate to call our office at 703-356-0551 or email , and we will be happy to assist you.
Staff Name
Ben Wiles
Chief of Staff
Budget, CIP, and Tax Issues
Land Use and Zoning Matter
Environment and Climate Resiliency
Affordable Housing Policy
Prabha Rollins
School Board Liaison
McLean Community Center Liaison
Jenny Phipps
Town of Herndon Liaison
Health and Human Services
Consumer/Tenant Protection
Patti Dinkelmeyer
Office Administration and Supervisor’s Scheduler
Community Room Use
Boards, Authorities and Commissions
Newsletter Support
Utility Issues
Voting/Election Issues
Public Safety and Police Reform
Natalie Bennett
Community Outreach and Events
Communications Support and Social Media
Homeowner Association Liaison
Parks and Athletic Fields
Zoning Ordinance Enforcement
Neighborhood Traffic and Parking
Recycling and Solid Waste