The Master Address Repository (MAR) is the authoritative repository for site addresses in Fairfax County. The Master Address Repository Application is a web application which provides access to addresses and street names in the county's MAR. Web services and locators are also available for applications to retrieve or validate address information against the MAR.
The MAR application has two pages with different search and filter functionality, the Address Search and Street Search. These can be toggled between by selecting the button on the top right corner of the application.
The Address Search page capabilities are varied and enable easy access to valid addresses. If looking for a specific address, the MAR application provides quick intuitive access through interactive search capabilities. To find an address, start entering address components of the address until the desired address appears in the list and on the map. The map will automatically zoom to the addresses that are filtered using the address search functionality. The address list will also be filtered and show only the addresses that meet the search criteria entered. Filters can be applied on address number, street name, street type, city, zip code, parcel identification number, and subdivision name, as well as ranges for created date and expired date of addresses. The filtered results can contain individual or groups of addresses. Current, historical, or all address can be searched and viewed both on the map and in the table by toggling the address status filter at the bottom of the Address Search area.
The MAR application can also Export address information for a single address or a group of addresses. The exported files can be saved as a CSV document type for easy import into other desktop applications. To export the addresses, click the far right icon at the top of the results list and pick the export option you desire.
The Street Search page provides the ability to search for street names, both with addresses and without. This page allows searching by street name, street type, and status, as well as ranges for created date. The status can be used to determine if a street name is already in use or has been reserved in Fairfax County.
The address data can be downloaded from the Geospatial Open Data Portal at Open Geospatial Data by searching for Address Points.
In no event shall Fairfax County be liable for any damages, including but not limited to loss of data, lost profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss that might arise from the use of this information.
MAR does not include addresses in the City of Fairfax, the City of Falls Church, Arlington County, or the City of Alexandria. MAR also does not include unit numbers for apartment addresses.