Fairfax County is reviewing potential updates to the Workforce Dwelling Unit (WDU) Homeownership program to enhance affordable homeownership opportunities for residents. The WDU program is designed to support those with low to moderate incomes and is crucial as home prices in our area continue to outpace income growth.
This initiative aligns with our commitment to equitable housing, giving opportunities for more families to afford homes in new residential developments. It is a key component of our adherence to the Countywide Strategic Plan and the principles of the One Fairfax policy, promoting equity and inclusivity across all communities.
What’s New
Updates to the WDU homeownership program reflect a thoughtful reevaluation of the program's scope and impact, intending to make the dream of homeownership a reality for a broader segment of our community by fine-tuning the program's income eligibility criteria, expanding the geographical reach of eligible developments, and creating a diverse range of housing options that match the needs of modern families.
Proposed changes include:
- Adjusting the income eligibility criteria, focusing on serving households earning up to the Area Median Income (AMI). According to Housing and Urban Development, the AMI for our area is $106,000 for an individual and $152,000 for a family of four.
- Broadening the geographic areas eligible for WDU development, extending beyond the current designated mixed-use centers to include certain properties planned for medium to high density.
- Growing the diversity of unit types offered under the WDU program including family-sized units with three bedrooms.
These recommendations stem from a comprehensive review by a dedicated WDU For-Sale Policy Task Force, which includes representatives from the county, affordable housing advocates and the residential development community. Since its inception in 2007, the WDU program has facilitated the creation of nearly 130 affordable homes for purchase, with close to 180 more on the way.
We Want to Hear from You
The community is encouraged to share their insights and feedback on these proposed revisions. Public comments are invaluable as we strive to refine and improve the effectiveness of the WDU program.
To participate, residents can review the draft policy changes online and submit comments by April 7. Additionally, two virtual meetings will be held to share more details on the program, answer questions and hear from residents. Your involvement will help us ensure the WDU program continues to meet the needs of our workforce and contribute to the county's vibrant, diverse community.
Virtual Meeting Information
Monday, March 18, noon
- Virtual Meeting - MS Teams
- Call in number: 571-429-5982
- Phone conference ID: 167 997 085#
Wednesday, March 20, 6:30 p.m.
- Virtual Meeting - MS Teams
- Call in number: 571-429-5982
- Phone conference ID: 308 897 607#