The Board of Supervisors recognized the need to evaluate the efficacy of the Workforce Dwelling Unit (WDU) for-sale policies and program and appointed the WDU For-sale Policy Task Force, composed of affordable housing advocates; representatives from the market development industry, Planning Commission and Redevelopment and Housing Authority; and Departments of Housing and Community Development and Planning and Development staff. The Task Force convened from April through October 2023. The group evaluated such topics as income levels served in the program, the number of units produced and sold, sales prices of those units, financial impact on shifts to affordability ranges, resale best practices, term controls, and geographic applicability. The task force considered options to maximize the potential of the for-sale WDU program to serve low- and moderate-income families, while maintaining project feasibility. The task force reached consensus to recommend:
- Shifting the affordability level of the program from up to 80% to 120% AMI, to a new range of up to 70% to 100% AMI,
- Extending proportionality of bedroom mix between the WDU and market rate units (with flexibility for 3+ bedroom units considered family-sized units),
- Extending the geographic applicability to properties that are zoned and planned for medium to high-density outside of development centers,
- Adjusting the WDU pricing model and resale requirements.
These recommendations were presented to the Board of Supervisors at the November 28th Housing Committee meeting.