Engage in Our Process
Submit a Complaint
- Use the Panel's Complaint Form to submit a complaint.
- Staff can assist in filling out the complaint form. Call 703-324-2502 for assistance.
- Submit the complaint to the Panel via email, U.S. Mail, or in person.
- The Panel is required to forward all Complaints to the FCPD upon receipt.
- If your complaint contains allegations of use of force, you may use this Complaint Form to submit a complaint with the Office of the Independent Police Auditor.
The FCPD Investigates the Complaint
- The FCPD will conduct an investigation into the complaint if it has not already been investigated.
- The FCPD notifies the complainant of the findings of the investigation.
- The complainant may request that the Panel review their complaint after the FCPD investigation is complete.
The Panel Reviews the Completed FCPD Investigation
- The Panel review process begins when a complaint alleging abuse of authority or serious misconduct is submitted regarding a completed FCPD investigation.
- A Subcommittee of the Panel conducts an Initial Review to determine if the complaint meets the criteria for review by the full Panel.
- Panel Members review the completed FCPD investigation file, which may include officer and witness interviews, and in-car and body worn camera video footage.
- The Panel holds a public Review Meeting to determine whether the investigation is accurate, complete, thorough, objective, and impartial.
- The complainant may appear at Panel meeting(s) to give reasons why they are unsatisfied with the completed FCPD investigation into their complaint. For more information see the Guide for Complainants to Speak at Panel Meetings.
- The Panel issues a public report with its findings to the complainant, the Board of Supervisors, the Chief of Police, and the Independent Police Auditor.