Code Compliance Alert:
The right lighting provides benefits to your property, including safety and crime prevention and curb appeal. However, too much, or the wrong type of, lighting causes a lot of problems – like light trespass to neighbors, dangerous glare to drivers, and impacts to sensitive habitat. Not to mention that excess lighting is…
The Virginia Construction Code (VCC) requires permits for new buildings, common renovations, and projects, such as finishing basements and installing gas appliances, and for the work to pass inspection. Construction or other work done without required permits and associated inspections violates the VCC and is called “unpermitted…
The Zoning Ordinance defines a sign and regulates signs through Article 7 (Sign Ordinance). This ordinance seeks to protect and…
The Zoning Ordinance regulates fence height and the location of sheds. Here are some key points and resources for residential lots.
Fence height is limited to 4 feet in most front ...
One intended purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is to create and maintain conditions where people and their environment can coexist. One way it does this is by separating certain incompatible uses – like preventing businesses such as movie theaters and car…
Food trucks are only able to operate in certain places, most notably to ensure they locate where there is adequate parking and space to gather around the truck. Here is some information about the types of locations and associated regulations.
Food trucks can apply to seek approval to operate as a “mobile…Grass Height- On April 15, 2024, the Department of Code Compliance (DCC) began accepting reports of grass height over 12 inches. DCC will continue taking reports through mid-October. Chapter 119 of the Fairfax County Code requires that grass be no taller than 12 inches…
A donation drop-off box can be a convenient place for the often-fulfilling experience of donating. However, because donation drop-off boxes may not work well in every location, like a neighborhood, there are Zoning Ordinance rules. Below are some common standards, with additional information available on ...
Many people love sharing their home with an animal, but few may know the Zoning Ordinance regulates the types, numbers, and ways that animals can be kept. Below are some of the most common zoning considerations for the keeping of animals. Additional and more specific information is available on ...
The use of a home for Short-Term Lodging (STL) - the occupancy of a dwelling for less than 30 days in a row - is regulated by the Zoning Ordinance. Only a resident of the home (including renters with owner permission) can operate an STL and…