Commuter Friendly Communities is a Fairfax County program that recognizes communities who have gone the extra mile to provide their tenants material or facilities to encourage alternate modes of transportation. Fairfax County is proud to highlight the efforts of these residential sites that are reducing the number of vehicles on the road, contributing to a cleaner environment and creating happier commuters!
Contact: Nicholas Robb at Fairfax County Commuter Services
Fairfax County Commuter Friendly Communities Participation Levels
Property implements one or more of the following strategies:
Established residential transportation coordinator. (This designated individual is a representative of the residential property who works with the county to actively promote alternative transportation.)
Install a permanent display case or brochure holder that contains alternative commuting options/information.
Property implements two or more of the following strategies plus at least one bronze level strategy.
Provides bike racks or bike room for residents
Property has pedestrian walking paths
Designated vanpool/carpool pick-up or drop-off zone
Welcome packages include alternative transit information or where to find it
Property implements at least one bronze strategy, two silver and one of the following strategies.
Hosts or sponsors an alternative commute day
Hosts or sponsors an alternative commute table event
Provides alternative commuting info. on a digital display
Distribute SmartTrip cards in Welcome Packages
Property implements at least one bronze strategy, two silver or gold strategies, and one platinum strategy.
Offers a shuttle service for residents
Hosts an annual Commuter fair
Conducts a commuter survey
Fairfax County Commuter Friendly Communities Honorees
Fairchase Apartments
4411 Dixie Hill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
4350 Staffordshire Lane
Fairfax, VA 22030
The Courts at Fair Oaks
12101 Pine Forest Circle
Fairfax, VA 22030
Camden Monument Place Apartments
12565 Summit Manor Drive
Fairfax, VA 22033
Modera Avenir Place
2677 Avenir Place
Vienna, VA 22180
Van Metre Fairfax Square Apartments
9860 Fairfax Square
Fairfax, VA 22031
Eaves Fairfax City
10608 Kitty Pozer Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
Prosperity Flats
2700 Dorr Avenue
Fairfax, VA 22031
Metro West
9624 Stockwell Lane
Fairfax, VA 22031
The Arbors at Fairlakes
4408 Oak Creek Court
Fairfax, VA 22033
Halstead at the Metro
2655 Prosperity Avenue
Fairfax, VA 22031