Unmanned Aircraft Systems

571-350-1000 TTY 711
4890 Alliance Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
Department of Emergency Management and Security

About the UAS Program

multiple drone helo pads in parking lotUnmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) provide enhanced operational capability, safety, and situational awareness for first responders, other staff or volunteers, affiliated partners, and the community.  They can operate in many types of environments (natural or manmade), or other critical incidents which might be hazardous to the safety of first responders or others. UAS provides:

  • A unique, viable, safe, versatile, supplemental tool for incident commanders and first responders
  • A cost benefit compared to manned aircraft
  • A viable, safe, and supplemental asset to other manned aircraft assets

Though UAS is not a replacement for manned aircraft, which have a different set of capabilities, for some missions, they provide first responders with a tool that can access areas where manned aircraft cannot fly due to weather or other safety regulations. 

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

A UAV is an unmanned aerial vehicle and differs from an unmanned aerial/aircraft system (UAS) in one major way: a UAV is referring to the aircraft itself, not the ground control and communications units.

The word drone is the most popular synonym for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or unmanned aerial/aircraft system (UAS).  UAV and UAS are terms that originated with the military and now, because of all the public access to these types of aircraft platforms, the term “UAS” has emerged as a replacement for "UAV” and “drone”.

We have created a detailed mission profile page within the UAS Program Manual (starting on page 9). A few examples include:

  • Pre- and post-disaster assessments
  • Search and rescue
  • Situational awareness
  • Fire scene management
  • Traffic, crash and highway management

Our program currently is authorized to fly up to 30 minutes before sunrise and 30 minutes after sunset (also known as "civil twilight").

Fairfax County requires that all UAS pilots obtain the FAA Part 107 license.  Each pilot must take a 2-day Part 107 preparation course prior to taking the FAA examination.  Once the pilot has successfully passed the examination, they will then take a 90-minute classroom orientation followed by a 2-3-hour initial hands on flight training program.

Each pilot is then required to take an additional 2-3 hours of advanced training which covers emergency procedures, safety, privacy, data management, airspace restrictions and policy and procedures. 

Each agency will have individualized training that will prepare their pilots for more specialized missions such as forensic analysis, and pre- and post-damage assessment.

All pilots will be required to take and pass a final examination prior to becoming a certified Fairfax County UAS pilot.

A minimum of 2-3 hours of flight time or missions will be required every 90 days to maintain proficiency.

Once a year, each pilot will be required to take the updated policy course to ensure they are aware of any new legal or procedural changes.

The Board of Supervisors approved the “public safety” UAS program on May 21, 2019, and adopted the UAS Program Manual authorizing the Fire and Rescue Department, Department of Emergency Management and Security (then the Office of Emergency Management), Police Department and Sheriff’s Office to participate. 

On June 25, 2019, the Board of Supervisors approved non-public safety County agencies to enter the program after they complete a formal process.

If you would like to talk with the UAS Program Manager or schedule a presentation, you can either email them at UAS@fairfaxcounty.gov or call 571-350-1000, TTY 711.

You must register your UAS with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for recreational use.

If you are going to fly as a Part 107 commercial pilot, you must take an additional FAA test.

Fairfax County has the most restricted airspace in the United States and because of that, there are limitations as to where you can legally fly

Under federal law, it is a felony to willfully damage or destroy aircraft, 18 U.S.C. § 32. 

If you have a neighbor that is flying a drone over your home, you can report it by calling the non-emergency police department number at 703-691-2131, TTY 711.

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