Court Services

4110 Chain Bridge Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
Shawn Lherisse
Court Services Director


If appropriate, individuals are court ordered to Probation and monitored by a Probation Officer who ensures compliance with the terms and conditions of probation and conducts random drug and alcohol testing when required. For successful completion, defendants are advised that they need to comply with terms and conditions, need to have no new violations of the law, and must appear for all court dates.

Referrals are primarily by magistrates or General District Court Judges and from mental health screenings and evaluations.  The program provides supervision and monitoring of lower risk defendants who might otherwise remain in jail while awaiting trial in addition to serving higher needs clients through Diversion First.

Community supervision programs improve citizen outcomes, are cost avoidant, and improve equity.  Citizens can more readily access treatment and services, maintain employment, housing, and family responsibilities, and maintain public safety, while reducing the Adult Detention Center (ADC) population.

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