The Fairfax County General District Court has multimedia evidence systems available for court use. The systems enable attorneys to present evidence simultaneously to everyone in the courtroom through a network of monitors and flat screen televisions or solely with the use of a television and DVD/VCR. For more information about courtroom technology, please visit the Courtroom Technology Office (CrTO) website.
Orientation prior to use of the equipment is strongly encouraged. Please email the General District Court IT Department at to set up an appointment. If you need to bring your own equipment to the courthouse, please call (703) 246-3279 to clear it with security.
Attorneys interested in reserving a technology courtroom must email with all of the information listed below. Your request will be reviewed and you should receive a response within 72 hours. You will be notified whether it has been granted or denied shortly thereafter. Requests should be received at least 5 business days prior to the court date or they may not be able to be accommodated. There are limited high technology courtrooms available on a first-come, first-served basis. The systems are run by the attorneys, not by court staff.
Should the case settle or be continued it is the responsibility of the attorney to send an email to cancel the request. A new reservation will be required for a continued court date.
Failure to adhere to these policies may jeopardize future use of courtroom technology.
Required Information for Courtroom Technology Reservations
- Case Details
- Case Number
- Case Style
- Trial Date
- Trial Length
- Requestor Information
- Attorney Name
- Party (Plaintiff or Defendant)
- Phone Number
- Technology Type
- High Tech Courtroom
- Remote Video Conferencing
- Document Camera - Magnify portions of a document or a small piece of physical evidence
- Show documents, images, or slideshow presentations from an attorney-provided laptop
- Display videotape or DVD evidence
- Play audiotape evidence
- DVD/VCR for non-high-tech courtrooms
- Any other pertinent details about your technology need