History Commission

The City of Fairfax Regional Library
10360 North Street, Fairfax, VA 22030
Gretchen Bulova

History Commission - Research/Publication Grants

Each year, the Fairfax County History Commission may grant up to $1,000 to researchers who have the intention of publishing, in print or visual form, original research-based material on Fairfax County history. No individual or group grant may exceed $500. Recommendations to award a grant will be made by the Publications Committee to the History Commission for its approval.


Anyone may apply. Priority may be given to Fairfax County residents. However, no current History Commission member may apply for a grant.

Procedures and Rules

  • Applications must be submitted to the Fairfax County History Commission in care of the Virginia Room at the City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North Street, Fairfax, Virginia 22030, by June 1st each year.
  • Applicants may not apply more than once a year.
  • Grant applications will be reviewed by at least three members of the Publications Committee. Outside opinions may be sought.
  • A written receipt of the application will be sent to the applicant.
  • Notice of grants awarded will be sent to the applicants.
  • A grant recipient may not apply for a History Commission award related to this research. 
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