There are a number of ways that you can help out the homeless community in Fairfax County. No matter your skills, age, or resources, you can find a way to make a difference.
Do you have items that you no longer need? Don't throw them away, donate them! Your donations help provide clothing that individuals could wear to a job interview; furniture for a family moving into permanent housing; children's books and other learning supplies. Our network of local nonprofit partners welcomes your support. Please visit their websites for information on how to give and for suggested items for which there is a significant need in your area.
One of the most important ways you can help the homeless community is through volunteering. When you volunteer, you have the opportunity to form connections with members of the homeless community, which can leave a positive impact on both sides. There are a number of ways in which you can volunteer. Some examples are:
- Training homeless individuals for employment
- Working at a nearby shelter or housing organization
- Registering people who are homeless to vote
- Organizing or participating in fundraising drives for local service agencies
- Incorporating your skills to aid in efforts of housing first programs or supportive housing programs
- Recruiting others to join your efforts
Visit Volunteer Fairfax online for information on how you can get involved with local community organizations. You can also find links to our network of local nonprofit partners for information on specific opportunities through their organizations.
Be Informed
Contact local nonprofits, read articles on why people are homeless, and talk to your friends and loved ones about the causes and solutions to homelessness. Most importantly, discuss how you can work on related issues such as paying living wages, providing education, accessing health care, stopping domestic violence and increasing the availability of affordable housing.
What can I do if I see someone in need? For example asking for money at an intersection? Outside a store in a shopping center?
A Homeless Services Handout was developed as a resource for residents who would like to give information about available Fairfax County Services. Simply click the image below and print this two-sided PDF. Cut along the dotted line, and store the handouts in your vehicle. That way, you'll be ready when the occasion arises to share.