Fairfax County Police place a high priority on the lives and safety of all pedestrians. Police, in conjunction with the StreetSmart public safety campaign, target the following groups with education and awareness on helping combat unsafe pedestrian behaviors:
- Cross the street at marked crosswalks and intersections ONLY
- Before crossing, look left, right, then left again
- Use pedestrian pushbuttons
- Begin crossing the street on “Walk” signal
- Stay visible after dark, using light clothing or reflectors
- Stop for pedestrians at crosswalks.
- Slow down and obey posted speed limits.
- Look before opening your vehicle door.
- Use caution when passing stopped vehicles.
- Allow 3 feet when passing bicyclists.
- Obey all regulatory signs and traffic lights.
- Never ride against traffic; ride with traffic.
- Use hand signals to tell motorists what you intend to do.
- Ride in a straight line to the right of traffic, about a car-door width away from parked cars.
- Always wear a helmet.
- Use lights at night and when visibility is poor.
- Check out http://www.mwcog.org/transportation/programs/
- Contact the Fairfax County Pedestrian Program Manager at 703-877-5772