NOTICE: As of January 1, 2025, the Central Records Division will no longer be accepting cash payments.
The Central Records Section of the Fairfax County Police Department is located at
12099 Government Center ParkwayFairfax, VA 22035
The office is open Monday through Friday*, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. You may call our office during regular business hours at 703-246-2272.
*Central Records closes at 3 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every month
Please allow 10 business days to process your mail-in request.
Customers, who made their request(s) through the mail, may check the status of their request by going to This email address will not accept and process any request for services provided by the Central Records Division.
To Obtain a Copy of a Reportable Crash Report
Submission of a crash report (FR300P) to the Department of Motor Vehicles is required for all crashes which occur on public property that involve death, personal injury, or property damage of $1,500.00 or more. Public property is considered to be highways, roads, streets, and public parking lots maintained by state, county or municipal funds.
Who is entitled to copies of crash reports?
- Driver and Passengers involved in the crash
- Injured persons/pedestrians/bicyclists involved in the crash
- Property/Vehicle owners
- Attorneys and/or insurance agents representing the driver or property owner
Our department transitioned to TREDS during the months of January through May, 2017. During this transition period, some reportable crash reports (FR300P) were documented in the department’s record management system. Upon request, we will provide reportable crash reports that were entered into the department’s record management system prior to May 1, 2017.
All reportable crashes after May 1, 2017 will be documented in TREDS and will only be available through the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.
All reportable crashes to the Commonwealth of Virginia, which are investigated by the Fairfax County Police, are recorded in the Traffic Records Electronic Data System commonly known as TREDS. This system is managed by the Virginia Highway Safety Office.
Once the reportable crash report (FR300P) has been reviewed by our department, it is submitted to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles’ approval process.
The DMV maintains the official record of all reportable crashes occurring within the Commonwealth and is responsible for the dissemination of these reports. In order to receive a copy of this report, please visit:
- To request a crash report from Virginia DMV
The Fairfax County Police Department does not disseminate Reportable Crash Reports (FR300P) to the Commonwealth of Virginia.
To obtain a copy of a Non-Reportable Crash Report
Hit and run crashes on public property less than $1,500.00; crashes occurring on private property and involving death, personal injury or hit and run crashes.
In those instances where a crash is not reportable to the DMV and it is not required by Department policy (see above), no documentation of the crash will be generated.
Crashes that are not reportable to the Commonwealth of Virginia may be documented in the department’s record management system. The investigating officer will inform the involved parties of the crash if such report exist by providing a case number.
- Make a request in writing to the Central Records address listed above. Please indicate on the envelope that the request is for a non-reportable crash report.
- Make requests in person, during regular business hours at the Central Records Office
- For requests made by mail, please allow approximately three to four weeks for receipt of the requested report
Fees for obtaining a non-reportable crash report
- NO fee for drivers, passengers, property owners or injured persons.
- All others must pay a $5 fee by credit card, money order or check made payable to the County of Fairfax.
NOTE: Mail-in requests must be paid by check or money order.
Who can obtain police photographs taken at the crash scene?
If police took photographs, they may be available for purchase by:
- Vehicle owners, drivers and passengers
- Attorneys or insurance companies representing the owners and/or drivers
- Injured persons
- Property owners
How much are police photographs of traffic crashes?
- A fee of $2 per print is charged
- A CD containing accident photographs may be available. Please contact Central Records for details regarding availability and pricing.
- Payment can be made in the form of credit card, money order or check made payable to the County of Fairfax.
NOTE: Mail-in requests must be paid by check or money order.
To obtain police photographs from the traffic crash
- Call Central Records during regular business hours.
- Make requests in person during regular business hours.
To obtain a copy of a police report
Copies of police reports are released only to law enforcement officers or by subpoena. However, if you were involved in an incident that resulted in a police report, you may obtain an incident verification form. It includes brief, written verification that a police report was filed, including the case number assigned to that incident, date and location of the incident, type of incident, and the officer's name.
NOTE: Incident reports that document class 3 and class 4 misdemeanor crimes involving animals may be released to involved parties as permitted by Virginia Code Section §2.2-3706(A)(2). Pursuant to Virginia Code §2.2-3706(B) all identifying information of a personal, medical, financial, and/or investigative nature will be redacted from the report.
Incident verification forms are available for;
- Victims of a crime
- Property owners
- Those directly involved in the incident itself
- Complainants (those who reported the incident to the police department).
To obtain an incident verification form
- Make requests in writing to the Central Records address listed above. Please indicate on the envelope that the request is for an incident verification form.
- Make requests in person during regular business hours.
Fee for incident verification forms
- There is a $10 fee
- Payment accepted in the form of credit card, money order or check made payable to the County of Fairfax
NOTE: Mail-in requests must be paid by check or money order.
Customers will be processed in order of their arrival.
*We provide blank fingerprint cards (APPLICANT FD-258 revised 11-1-20). These fingerprint cards may or may not be suitable for your purpose (i.e. your employer may not accept this card). In this case, you should ask your perspective employer or requesting agency to provide cards.
You must bring:
- Two valid forms of identification from the list below; (At least one must contain your photograph and date of birth.)
U.S. or Foreign Passport
Driver’s License or DMV Identification Card
Military Identification Card
Social Security Card
Permanent Resident Card
Work Authorization Card
University I.D. Card
Voter Registration Card
Birth Certificate (Original or Certified) (Foreign must include professional translation)
Federal/State/Local Government-Issued License or Permit
Fees for Fingerprinting Services
- A $10 fee is charged for printing the first card.
- A fee of $5 is charged for the printing of each additional card.
- Payment in the form of credit card, money order or check made payable to the County of Fairfax is accepted.
LAW ENFORCEMENT AND BACKGROUND INVESTIGATORS PLEASE NOTE: If you have more than three criminal history record requests, you may have to drop them off and return at a later date for pick up.
Effective June 19, 2023:
The Department will assess a fee for each criminal history record information request processed in accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 9101. The cost of providing such information is $10.00 per request. The completed request(s) will be released upon payment.
*This is a Record Check for ADULT Criminal Charges that occurred in Fairfax County ONLY, where Fairfax County Police responded and/or charged an individual.
To obtain a copy of my criminal record
If you live in the immediate area, you may appear in person at the Central Records address listed above and with few exceptions obtain your criminal record that day upon payment.
To make your request by mail, please follow these instructions.
You will be required to provide two forms of valid identification from the list below; (One must contain your photograph.)
- U.S. Driver’s License OR DMV issued ID card
- U.S. or Foreign Passport
- U.S. Social Security Card
- U.S. Military Identification
Original Birth Certificate (Original Foreign birth certificates MUST be accompanied by an ORIGINAL certified professional translation). Please DO NOT provide copies of either your birth certificate or translation.
**Pursuant to Virginia Law, no other forms of identification will be accepted. If you do not have at least two of these, we will not be able to process your request and you will be instructed to return at a later date with the necessary identification.
Fee for obtaining a copy of my criminal record
A $10 fee is charged
Credit card, money order or check (made payable to the County of Fairfax) are accepted.
PD Form 23 is used to request an individual’s Fairfax County Police criminal history. If you wish, you may print out the request form from this link and complete the portion titled REQUESTOR USE prior to requesting your record in person at the Central Records Office.
Can I obtain a copy of someone else's criminal record?
No, you can only get a copy of your own record. Criminal history records are not public information.
The Director of the Central Records Division is the Certifying Official representative for the Fairfax County Police Department. The Director will respond to requests regarding the completion of Supplement B, U Nonimmigrant Status Certification forms.
A response to the request will be completed within 120 days or may be expedited in accordance with Virginia Code 9.1-1501 if the requester is qualified for an expedited review and such request is affirmatively made. If it cannot be determined that the requester is a victim of qualifying criminal activity, or they do not otherwise qualify, a written explanation will be provided.
Requester must provide:
- Victim’s name
- Victim’s date of birth
- Identify the qualifying criminal activity
- Date of the qualifying criminal activity
- Case number (if available)
- Requester’s mailing address
- Requester’s email address (if available)
- Requester’s phone number
The request may be made via the attached form; however, this is not required. The request may be submitted by either the victim of the qualifying criminal activity, or their representative, and may be submitted by one of three methods:
Email (preferred):
Fairfax County Police Department
Central Records Division
Attention: UVISA
12099 Government Center Parkway
Fairfax, Virginia 22035
The request can also be submitted by hand delivering to:
12099 Government Center Parkway
Fairfax, Virginia 22035