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Fairfax County Bike to Work Day 2024

bike to work day 2024

The 23rd annual Bike to Work Day will be held on Friday, May 17, 2024. This year, Fairfax County has 27 different pit stops for bicyclists. Additionally, Commuter Connections, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) and other local governments will host dozens more throughout the National Capital Region. The first 16,000 who register and check into a pit stop by bike will receive a free T-shirt (this year's color is orange), snacks and door prizes. Many telecommuters participate by biking to a T-shirt pickup point (pit stop) and then back home to work for the day. And for longer commutes, many pit stops are located near transit stops or park-and-ride options, making biking a great first- and last-mile option for commuting.

BTWD 2024 BTWD 2023 BTWD 2023


Bike to Work Day Bikeshare

Bike to Work Day GiveawaysThe benefits of being a bicycle-friendly business include a healthier workforce, lower healthcare costs and a positive recruitment message; a greener environment and less-congested roads; and recognition opportunities. From facilities and policies to promotion and rewards, creating a bicycle culture starts with strong planning. FCDOT's Bike Fairfax Program have assembled a Business Toolkit to host a successful Bike to Work Day event and help grow bicycle commuting all year round.

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