SmartBenefits® "Plu$50" is an incentive program that offers employees a free $50 SmarTrip® card to try transit by enrolling in their employers' monthly commuter benefits program. Whether you are new to transit, are exploring a new route because of workplace or home changes, or new to the area, you may be eligible for the Plu$50 SmarTrip® card.
How can you get started? If your employer offers a commuter benefits program, enroll in your program and have your company representative contact our employer Outreach Team so we can prepare a free $50 card for you. If your employer doesn't currently have a commuter benefits program in place, one of our Fairfax County Commuter Services team members can work with your employer representative to create a SmartBenefits program so you can take advantage of the program.
For more information, contact the Employer Outreach Team at 703-877-5900 or
The SmartBenefits® "Plu$50" program is available while funding lasts.
Please Note: Fairfax County government employees, federal government employees, those currently enrolled in a SmartBenefits account, and current vanpool and transit users are not eligible for this incentive.
View the SmartBenefitsPlu$50 Webinar to Learn More About the Program