Fairfax County Commuter Services (FCCS)

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM-4:30 PM M-F
703-877-5900 TTY 711
4050 Legato Road, Suite 400
Marcus Moore
TDM Liaison and Program Manager


Vanpooling is popular in the Metro Washington area because it is an important and economical option for individuals commuting long distances to work sites. The following are the most common types of vanpools:

  • Owner-operated vans: An individual leases or purchases a van and operates the van independently. Riders generally meet at a central location and pay the owner a set monthly fee.
  • Third-party vans: A vanpool "provider" leases the vanpool vehicle for a monthly fee that includes the vehicle operating cost, insurance, and maintenance. The vanpool provider contracts directly with one or more employees who operates the van. The monthly lease fee is paid by the vanpool subscribers.
  • Employer-provided vans: The employer (or a group of employers) buys or leases vans for employees' commute use. The employer organizes the vanpool riders and insures and maintains the vehicles. The employer may charge a fee to ride in the van or subsidize the service. Check with your company's Human Resources department if this may be a viable option.

Looking to start or join a vanpool? Then visit VanpoolAlliance

Looking for financial assistance starting a vanpool or where to rent a van?

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