Fairfax County’s First-Time Homebuyers (FTHB) Program offers homeownership opportunities for low- and moderate-income families purchasing homes in Fairfax County. Over the last 40 years, hundreds of townhouses and condominiums in locations all over the county have been sold at below-market prices to qualified homebuyers through the FTHB program. For those seeking affordable homeownership opportunities, it’s easy to get started:
STEP 1: Attend the FTHB Program Orientation
The FTHB Program orientation has been transitioned to a virtual meeting and is broadcast live via Microsoft Teams. The next orientation is scheduled for Tuesday, January 26 at 7 p.m.
CLICK HERE on January 26 to access the meeting.
Registration is NOT required to attend orientation. Participants can join on their computer or other device by using their web browser or, if they prefer, they may download the free Microsoft Teams app in advance.
It is highly recommended that participants log on to the meeting no later than 6:40 p.m. to ensure that technical issues can be addressed prior to the beginning of the presentation. The meeting will begin promptly at 7 p.m. and participants must attend the full session to receive credit. Joining early also allows you to select a translation language, if needed, in advance of the meeting start time.
What is the First-Time Homebuyers Program?
Under the leadership of the Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA), the FTHB Program has been providing affordable for-sale homes for over forty years. Homes are offered at sale prices well below the sales price of market-rate homes in the same development. Through homeownership, families can establish roots in communities where they work and their children go to school, while also building equity in their home. Mortgages on FTHB homes are often lower than the rents families were paying.
FTHB homes are made available primarily through the Affordable Dwelling Unit provision of the Zoning Ordinance. As a result, the FTHB program provides affordable homes without the use of taxpayer funds. FTHB Program purchasers may also be eligible for down payment assistance through the program.
Hundreds of affordably priced 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-bedroom townhouses and condominiums located throughout the county have been sold to first-time homebuyers who meet the program’s income and eligibility criteria. Families earning up to 70 percent of the federal Area Median Income (AMI) may be eligible for the FTHB Program. The newer Workforce Dwelling Unit Program serves incomes up to 120 percent of AMI.
The FTHB Orientation will include a discussion of the program eligibility requirements. But for a complete list of underwriting and eligibility requirements beforehand, visit our Homebuyers Website.
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