Planning Commission

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM-4:30 PM M-F
703-324-2865 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 552
Fairfax, VA 22035
Jill G. Cooper
Executive Director


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Fairfax Alerts

Policy and Procedures Committee

Meetings will be held in Conference Room 11 of the Fairfax County Government Center unless announced otherwise.

2024 Policy and Procedure Committee Members:

John Carter, Chairman

Jeremy Hancock

Phillip Niedzielski-Eichner

Timothy Sargeant

Evelyn Spain

John Ulfelder


Next Meeting:

  • November 30, 2023 - Conference Room 11 (7:30 p.m.)


Meeting Agenda

Meeting Handouts:


Previous Meetings:

October 19, 2023

Meeting Agenda

The Committee reviewed with staff the proposed changes to the Planning Commission bylaws and discussed the most noteworthy changes, namely modifications to speaker times and the implementation of term limits for Planning Commission officers. 

Meeting Handouts:

March 8, 2023

The Policy and Procedures Committee was constituted. Commissioner John Carter was elected Chairman.


October 7, 2021

Meeting Agenda

The Committee reviewed with staff the follow up on the progress of items discussed at the April 8, 2021 meeting. The Committee voted unanimously to recommend to the full Planning Commission adoption of the amended bylaws dated October 5, 2021. 

Meeting Handouts:


April 8, 2021

Meeting Agenda

The Committee was constituted, where Commissioner John Carter was elected Chairman and Commissioner Daniel Lagana was elected Vice Chairman. Committee members discussed with staff changes to verbatim transcripts, speakers list and correspondence deadline, website navigation, and language access. The Committee voted unanimously to recommend to the full Planning Commission the following amendments to the bylaws: 

  • Eliminate verbatim transcripts;
  • Move the speakers list deadline from 3pm to 1pm; and
  • Establish a deadline for correspondence for matters that same evening to 1pm.

Meeting Handouts:


July 24, 2019

Meeting Agenda

The Committee was constituted and Ellen J. Hurley was elected Chairman. The Committee discussed the proposed 2020 Planning Commission calendar, an overview of the application scheduling process, and a review of speaker times.

Meeting Handouts:


November 28, 2018

     Meeting Agenda

     Karla Bruce, Chief Equity Officer, provided an overview of One Fairfax to the Committee.


April 4, 2018

Meeting Agenda

    The Committee was constituted and Ellen J. Hurley was elected Chairman. The Committee discussed the citizen engagement in land use matters and focused on the following topics:


September 13, 2017

Meeting Agenda

     The Committee discussed with staff the following topics:
     1. Planning Commission bylaw update to reflect Site Specific Plan Amendment speaker times
     2. Update on citizen engagement initiatives:

  • Fairfax First Project Team 10;
  • Urban Land Institute Regional Fellowship;
  • Chairman Bulova's Community Council on Citizen Engagement; and
  • Planning Commission speaker survey.

3. Responses to Planning Commission-related recommendations from Chairman Bulova's Community Council on Land Use Engagement:

  • Communicate early in the process;
  • Improve efforts to go into the community rather than holding meetings at the Government Center;
  • Develop program to capture feedback from residents who attended meetings; and
  • County meeting times should be more convenient.

Meeting Handouts:

Enhansing Community Engagement and Outreach in Fairfax County
Community Council on Land Use Engagement
Planning Commission Hearings ending after 12:00 a.m.
Planning Commission speaker survey


April 26, 2017

Meeting Agenda

The Committee was constituted and Ellen J. Hurley was elected Chairman. The Committee reviewed with the Zoning Administration Division staff the 2017 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Work Program.


February 1, 2017

Meeting Agenda

The Committee was given a presentation on the upgrade to the new customized hardware and programming for the purpose of introduction of iPads for use by the Planning Commission members.

Select Meeting Date

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