Strategic Plan

703-324-7329 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway
Fairfax, VA 22035
Aimee Brobst
Strategic Plan Manager

Included Plans and Initiatives

Take a look at the wide variety of county planning documents that were consulted to ensure that the Countywide Strategic Plan complemented existing plans. The plan is meant to be a living document and additional plans will continue to be crosswalked to ensure broad alignment in every possible case.  

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Board Priorities From 2012 County Vision Elements FCPS Strategic Plan One Fairfax Economic Success Strategic Plan Housing Strategic Plans Human Services Needs Assessment Environmental Vision Community Health Improvement Plan Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Department of Transportation: Transportation Priorities Plan Public Safety Staffing 5-Year Plan Annual Demographic Report Fairfax County Economic Development Authority Demographics Youth Survey 50 Plus Survey Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Comprehensive Plan Lines of Business (LOBs) Budget Multi-Year Budget


Currently implemented plans and priorities

These priorities were identified by the Board of Supervisors as being the most important for engagement of our residents and businesses in Fairfax County.

Visit Board of Supervisors Priorities

Key concepts to protect and enrich the quality of life for the people, neighborhoods, and diverse communities of Fairfax County.

Visit Fairfax County Vision Elements

This strategic plan was created to ignite the hearts and minds of the community to ensure that every student receives the best possible education, preparing them for their best possible futures.

Visit FCPS Strategic Plan - Overview

One Fairfax is a framework—or "lens"—that will be used to consider equity in decision-making and in the development and delivery of future policies, programs and services. It will help county and school leaders to look intentionally, comprehensively and systematically at barriers that may be creating gaps in opportunity.

Visit One Fairfax

The plan was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on March 3, 2015, and it's our strategic roadmap to grow and expand the economy. Our vision is a community where businesses, residents, and employees of a variety of ages, abilities, and experiences want to live, work, play, learn, and thrive.

Visit Economic Success Plan

Blueprint for Affordable Housing

The Housing Blueprint reflects the philosophy of the Board that affordable housing is a continuum ranging from the needs of the homeless to first-time homebuyers.

Visit Housing Blueprint

Communitywide Housing Strategic Plan

In response to our community’s growing housing needs, the Board of Supervisors directed Fairfax County’s Department of Housing and Community Development, with the assistance of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC), to produce a strategic plan to help address this need.p>

Visit Communitywide Housing Strategic Plan

Fairfax County is experiencing substantial changes in its population, economy, and infrastructure. These changes have resulted in a broadening of needs in the areas of housing, economic self-sufficiency, health, and connections to resources.

Visit Human Services Needs Assessment

Fairfax County’s environment is resilient, but not indestructible. Our vision recognizes that we have a responsibility to be good stewards to ensure a sustainable future.

Visit Environmental Vision

The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is an action-oriented plan created to make the Fairfax community a healthier place to live. The plan focuses on three health issues: Healthy Eating, Healthy Environment and Active Living, and Behavioral Health.

Visit Live Healthy Fairfax

As our “guiding star,” the master plan presents a framework and related policies and goals to chart the course for all agency initiatives, plans, and programs over the next several years. The master plan includes seven guiding principles and six goals approved by the Park Authority Board that will focus our funding and resources on the highest community priorities.

Visit Parks and Recreation System Master Plan & FY19-23 Strategic Plan

On January 28, 2014, the Board of Supervisor approved the Transportation Priorities Plan which included more than 200 roadway, intersection, transit, bicycles and pedestrian projects throughout the County. The projects in the Plan total more than $1.4 billion. This plan does not include projects approved by the Board of Supervisors prior to 2014.

Visit Six Year Transportation Priorities

Staffing priorities plan for the Police Department, Fire and Rescue Department, Sheriff’s Department, Office of Emergency Management, Department of Public Safety Communications, Department of Animal Sheltering, and the Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney.

Read 5 Year Public Safety Staffing Plan Update/Discussion

Demographics and trend data

The county’s annual demographics report features insights into who we are in Fairfax County – our race/ethnicity, housing costs, income, as well as estimates and forecasts of population and households, among other data. This information is used by the Board of Supervisors, county executive and county agencies to make informed and strategic decisions on the services provided to our community, as well as the county’s budget and economic future.

Visit Who We Are in Fairfax County in 2018; Annual Demographics Report

Visit Data Visualization Gallery

The facts and figures you need to know about Fairfax County.

Visit Fairfax County Economic Development Authority

The Fairfax County Youth Survey is a comprehensive, anonymous and voluntary survey given each year to students in grades 6, 8, 10 and 12 that examines behaviors, experiences and other factors that influence the health and well-being of Fairfax County's youth. The results provide a snapshot of the county's youth and serve as a barometer of the community's effectiveness in fostering healthy choices in young people. The Youth Survey is a collaboration of Fairfax County Government and Fairfax County Public Schools.

Visit Fairfax County Youth Survey

The 50+ Community Survey for Fairfax County and the Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church - launching in February 2019 - will assess the local lifestyles, community perceptions and access people 50+ have to the things they need to age the way they want to age.

Visit The 50+ Community Survey for Fairfax County and Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church

Fairfax County projects a dramatic increase in its older population. This is why the Board of Supervisors adopted The 50+ Community Action Plan, which includes 31 initiatives regarding housing, transportation, community engagement, services, safety and health and long-range planning.

Visit The Fairfax 50+ Community Action Plan

Other county documents

The CIP is the County's five-year roadmap for creating, maintaining and funding present and future capital infrastructure requirements. The CIP serves as a planning instrument to identify needed capital projects and coordinate the financing and timing of improvements. The CIP provides the framework for the County Executive and the County Board of Supervisors with respect to managing bond sales, investment planning and project planning. Fairfax County's CIP includes not only a 5-year plan but a future outlook that includes a glance at the potential long term requirements beyond the current 5-year period.

Visit Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

The Comprehensive Plan is required by state law to be used as a guide in decision-making about the built and natural environment by the County's Board of Supervisors and other agencies, such as the Planning Commission.

Visit Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan

Fairfax County compiled a comprehensive review of its nearly 400 Lines of Business (LOBs) as a part of a multi-year planning initiative.

Visit 2016 Lines of Business (LOBs)

The Adopted Budget Plan is the annual budget approved by the Board of Supervisors for the fiscal year which runs from July 1 through June 30. The Adopted Budget Plan is based on estimates of projected expenditures for County programs and it provides the means for paying for these expenditures through estimated revenues. The County’s budget serves as the documentation of the financial, policy, and service decisions for the fiscal year.

Visit Current Year Adopted Budget Plan

The Multi-Year General Fund Budget is a forecast which is meant to inform decisions regarding the budget being adopted by the Board of Supervisors as well as provide insight into the next fiscal year. The Multi-Year Budget outlines the prospective issues that will need to be addressed as part of the budget process for the following year, more clearly demonstrates the impact of decisions in the budget being adopted, and lays out a projection for the next year.

Read Multi-Year Budget: FY 2019 and FY 2020

Regional plan documents

The Council of Government's (COG) Region Forward Vision focuses on creating a more prosperous, accessible, livable, and sustainable metropolitan Washington. It maps out ambitious goals and targets to guide future decisions and measure progress. In addition to COG, the region’s local governments and several civic and nonprofit organizations have endorsed the vision and incorporated it into their own planning efforts.

Visit Region Forward Coalition

Visit Region Forward



Strategic Plan Timeline

Take a look back at the timeline for the development of the first-ever Fairfax Countywide Strategic Plan. 

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